59|the glen capri

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I used to have mixed feelings about this episode, but it's probably one of my favourites now. I absolutely love the Scott/Stiles scene at the end. Also, this chapter is a bit longer than the previous ones, but I think it's worth it. Hope you like it.


After sending a text to Charlotte to let her know what was going on, I walked into Stiles and Scott's room. They were both laying on a bed each, staring up at the ceiling.

"Are we not knocking anymore?" Stiles asked, sitting up quickly.

"When did we start?" I countered. Walking past Stiles, I stood in front of Scott, "How're you doing? Is it healed yet?"

He lifted his shirt to show that the cuts were almost completely gone, a small smile on his face. "You don't have to worry about me, Riley. I'll be fine."

"So says the boy who was dying a few hours ago."
I took a seat at the table in their room, "Anyway, the Darach. What are we doing about that?"

"I have four suspects," Stiles stated.

Scott looked at him in disbelief, "You have four suspects?"

"Yeah," Stiles confirmed. "It was originally ten. Well, nine technically, I guess. I had Derek on there twice."

"Of course you did," I laughed. "So, who's the four?"

"Is Harris number one?" Scott asked.

Stiles' face became fairly serious, "Just because he's missing doesn't mean he's dead."

"So if he's not dead, our chemistry teacher is out secretly committing human sacrifices."

Stiles thought for a moment about what Scott was saying, turning to look at him. "Yeah, I guess that just sounded way better in my head."

"Okay, well what's another option then?" I asked, steering away from Harris. I mean, was he an ass? Yes. But a murderer?

"I mean, could it be somebody else from school?" Scott suggested. "Like, you remember Matt? We didn't know that he was killing people."

This made Stiles sit up straight, his eyes widening. "Excuse me? I'm sorry, what?" Stiles climbed up off of his bed, staring down at our friend.
"I- yes, we did. I called that from day one, actually."

"Yeah, but we never really seriously thought that it was Matt."

"I was serious," Stiles gasped. "I was quite serious, actually. Deadly serious, no one listened to me. Back me up, Riley."

I played with my hair as I watched the interaction, "I'm not picking sides. But Stiles did say it was Matt."

"How is that not picking sides?" Scott asked me.

I just shrugged, "I'll pick you next time, if you like."

Scott rolled his eyes before turning back to Stiles, "Who were the other three?"

"Derek's sister, Cora," he sighed, moving past the fact that Scott hadn't believed him when he said it was Matt. "No one knows anything about her. And she's Derek's sister. Next, your boss."

"My boss?"

"Yeah, your boss. I don't really like the whole Obi-Wan thing he's got going on, you know. It freaks me out."

Scott just stared at him, clearly not understanding the reference.
"Come on, Scott, even I've seen Star Wars," I laughed.

"I can't believe you still haven't seen it," Stiles said to him, his face conveying his disappointment.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 ▷ Stiles Stilinski¹Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora