18|the alpha

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I do NOT own Teen Wolf

I know the last chapter was basically a filler, but I didn't want them to be annoyed with each other one chapter, then never talk about what happened again, you know?

Comment, vote, fan, and let me know what you're thinking!

Question of the Chapter: Did you guys find any cool songs from the series that you now listen to?

I really like 'Bad Karma' by Ida Maria, 'Way Down We Go' by Kaleo, and all songs by Gin Wigmore that were played throughout the series.


Stiles and I had ended up spending the whole two periods outside, just talking. It was nice just to chat with him again. Even though we had been annoyed at each other, I had missed him. It hadn't felt the same without his sarcastic self around.

Although, being around him felt completely different now. Scott was right, and I had admitted that to myself.

It changed everything.

But, I couldn't allow it to change anything. Stiles was completely smitten with Lydia, and I wasn't going to go and screw up our friendship over a little crush.

Everything was great again and speaking to anyone about it, Scott included, would've just made things more confusing than they had to be.

And thinking about me being jealous had me thinking that maybe Lydia wasn't as bad a person as I thought. Allison was friends with her, so she couldn't be too bad. Right?

And Stiles liked her, so there had to be some good in there. Deep, deep down.

It was only fair I gave her a chance, considering I had jumped to hating her straight away.
We'd have to see how that worked out.

When we heard the bell for lunch, we had went and got a tray of food, then walked over and sat at a table inside the cafeteria with Scott.

Stiles had gotten right down to business. "Did you get her to give you the necklace?"

Scott didn't look happy, so I made the reasonable assumption that this conversation wasn't going to go in the direction we had hoped.
"Not exactly."

"Come on, Scott," I whined, "We finally have a lead. What happened?"

"She told me not to talk to her. At all."

I had suddenly felt the urge to smack him with my lunch tray, or just lay down on the table and wake up to find that this was all just a crazy dream.
Neither option had seemed plausible.

Stiles had taken a bite of his bread, and then began to talk, "So, she's not going to give you the-"

"She's not giving me the necklace!" Scott snapped.

"Well, did you find anything else out?"

Scott had managed to calm down, taking a breath. "Just that I know nothing about girls, and that they're totally psychotic."

They both turned and looked at me. I shot them a wide smile, and with a wink I had said, "And proud."

Stiles rolled his eyes with a smile, and my stomach flipped on itself, making my chest tighten.

He pulled his attention back to Scott. "Okay, I came up with a plan B just in case anything like this happened."

"And what would that be, genius?" I had asked, genuinely curious.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 ▷ Stiles Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now