61|telluric currents

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Wow, that scene in the last chapter felt so weird to write, so I'm so sorry you had to read it haha


Stiles and I went straight to Doctor Deaton's after class ended. Our attendance was pretty good, so we could afford to miss a few classes here and there.

When we arrived Scott was sitting near the Doc's desk, a sad look on his face. Stiles and I went and stood by him as the Sheriff walked over.
"All right, we're gonna do everything we can. Right now, the best thing you can do is go back to school."

When Stiles' dad went to talk to his deputy, Scott gestured towards the cat clinic room. After Stiles and I walked in Scott shut the door behind us so that we could talk privately.
"We have to tell him."

Stiles' face dropped in disbelief as he stared at his friend, "You mean, like, tell him, tell him, or tell him something else that isn't telling him what I think you want to tell him?"

"You know what I mean," Scott replied, confirming Stiles' fear.

Stiles grabbed onto the cage in front of him, "You remember how your mum reacted? She didn't look you in the eye for, like, a week."

"And she got over it," Scott reminded him. "And- and it actually made us closer."

"I don't know, dude. I mean, look at him. Come on, he's completely overwhelmed as it is."

Scott wasn't holding back, his response ready on his lips, "He's overwhelmed because he has no clue what's happening. He's got people dying in his town, the town that he's supposed to protect, and it's not his fault that he doesn't know what's happening. He's gonna find out sooner or later. All our families will."

I thought about what he was saying, and my mind went to Charlotte. Would I have to tell her what was going on soon? Did I want to?

No, I didn't want to tell her; but if it came down to it, I think I would tell her. I'd rather she know than her finding out through someone else or because something happened.

Stiles looked away from Scott, probably also weighing up his options. "Yeah, but is now really the right time?"

Deciding maybe I needed to say something, I stepped closer to him and grabbed his hand. "When will there ever really a right time to tell him something like this, Stiles?"

Scott nodded, "What if not telling him not gets someone else killed?"

"What if telling him gets him killed, huh?" Stiles replied, eyebrows pinched in frustration. "I mean, okay, look, I get that Deaton's been like a father to you. I get that, okay? But this is m- Scott, this is my actual father. I can't. . ." Stiles stopped, his eyes dropping.

I wrapped my free arm around him, rubbing his shoulder, reminding him I was there and that he wasn't alone.

"I can't lose both of my parents, all right?" He told him softly. "Not both of them."

Scott took a moment, before nodding slightly, "You're right."

Stiles squeezed my hand as he sighed, shifting his weight to his other foot uncomfortably. "No, I'm not. I'm not right. I'll tell him."

The teen wolf looked despairingly relieved, "I'll help you."

"We both will," I told him as I squeezed his hand back. 

Scott lead the way out, all of us preparing for what was to be a pretty difficult conversation. How were we supposed to explain this to Sheriff Stilinski without sounding insane?

But once we saw what was in the other room, I figured we wouldn't be having that conversation anymore. Talking to Sheriff Stilinski was Miss. Morrell, our school counsellor.
"Please, whatever you need, however you can help find my brother."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 ▷ Stiles Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now