56|human sacrifices

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So now you know what Riley is!

I hope no one's disappointed or anything. I don't know what you all expected, but this was planned from day one.

Please don't be afraid to comment and vote, it only takes a couple of seconds and it means the world to me!

Quick question: who watches 'the 100'?

I now have a Bellamy Blake fan fiction if you would like to check it out! It's called 'Monster' and is up on my profile now!


I woke up covered in sweat and breathing quickly. Nightmares had plagued my dreams once more; dreams of the Alpha pack and my mother dying.

Sitting up slowly, I gave my body time to recover and my heart to slow down.

After taking a few sips of water from a bottle sitting by my bed, I picked up my phone to see if I had missed anything. Stiles was wanting to call me last night, but Charlotte kept checking in on me to make sure I was going to sleep.

I had text him but he said that he didn't want to explain it over text, so I would have to wait until school the next day.

Anxiety had weaved its way through my veins, but I knew there would be a reason why he didn't want to say over text, and I trusted him.

I just couldn't stop thinking of what he had said to Heather at the party. About how I was the best thing that happened to him and that he didn't deserve me.

He was right about that.

He deserved better than me.

Especially after what I had done to Peter. I hadn't even been able to bring myself to research into his claims.

Climbing out of bed I slowly began to get ready for school. Pulling a basic outfit out of my wardrobe I headed out to the shared bathroom to shower.

After sitting my folded clothes on the counter I took my hair out of the braid I had it in, planning to wash it.

Turning the shower on the water began to rain down. I stared at myself in the mirror which was slowly beginning to fog over from the heat of the water mixed with the cool air of the bathroom. If you hadn't known, you would have thought the only thing that had changed about me was my hair.

But I was so different. Everything was so different. Around two years ago Stiles and Scott were my best friends and now things were tense; Isaac was my boyfriend and we hardly saw each other anymore, Lydia was the enemy and now she was one of my best friends; and I was a normal girl and now I could suffocate people with a thought.

If I had known all of this two years ago, I don't know what I would've done. Probably ended up in Eichen House.

Undressing and stepping into the shower I let the water run down my body, taking the dark thought with it. I could almost relax, the feel of the water pattering down on my skin calming me considerably.

After washing my hair and my body I climbed out of the shower and dried myself off before getting dressed for the day. I applied a light layer of makeup and blow-dried my hair before brushing it. Examining myself, I didn't look as bad as I felt.

Gathering my pyjamas I opened the bathroom door, letting the cool air of the house wash over me. After the practice I had done while in Devonford the air felt different. I felt stronger; more in control.

"I'm headed to work," Charlotte told me as she walked past the hallway towards the door, laptop bag in hand.

"Good for you," I muttered as I shut my bedroom door.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 ▷ Stiles Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now