1|dead body

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I do NOT own Teen Wolf

Chapter one; and so it begins. . .

Question of the Chapter - Who is your fav Teen Wolf character?

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A few months earlier

The wind whistled quietly outside the window, as if trying to crawl inside. The branches on the trees nearby tapped softly against the glass.

I had decided to turn on Supernatural, Season Five, one of my personal favourites out of them all.

"God, why are they all so pretty?" I muttered to myself as I swirled my spoon around the mug of hot chocolate that kept my hands warm in that late night weather. Why did Beacon Hills always have to be so damn cold? I swear, it felt like it was always like that.

Sam and Dean drove in the Impala having their usual broody heart-to-heart, before planning out their next hunt. Their lives were so interesting and adventurous, but I don't think I'd ever be able to pull that off. The whole idea of it was crazy, yet still so appealing.

After the episode finished, I turned the television off and just sat there, taking small sips of the chocolatey drink, wishing I had had some marshmallows for it.

That night had gone by like any other; tossing and turning until finally I ended up reaching for the remote and something sweet to go with it. It's a routine that I had perfected over the previous months.

Another night to add to the string of sleepless nights I had been having. I hadn't really been able to get a full night's sleep in ages. The worst part was that I started back up at school the next day. Because like it wasn't hard enough to try and get to sleep. New year, same problems.

Plus, my teachers probably wouldn't have been too happy if I started nodding off during their classes on the first day back.

Thankfully, I was only sixteen, so I hadn't gotten to all of the senior work pressure yet. I definitely wasn't looking forward to that.

I sat the mug down on the bedside table, throwing off the blanket and swinging my legs over the side of the bed. My head fell into my hands as I hunched over, rubbing my eyes.

A sigh escaped me as I stood up, walked over to my overnight bag and sifted through the clothes to find something warmer.

I stripped off the leggings I had on, and opted for a pair of black sweatpants and pulled a navy blue jumper over the singlet I was wearing, before heading towards the door of the bedroom.

Once in the hallway, I took a right and walked to the door that was two doors down from the one I had been staying in. Lightly rapping on the wood, my eyes travelled the hallways.

Dark hallways always creeped me out in the middle of the night. It always felt like there was something lurking. Or maybe it's just the darkness in general.

Like something straight out of 'The Shining', you know? I didn't want to turn around and see those freaky twins. Ever.

However, Melissa was pulling a late-night shift that next night, so I wasn't risking waking her up by making noise. She did so much for me, so I tried my best not to cause her any more grief than necessary.

"Come in" A muffled voice called from the other side of the door.

I pushed open Scott's door and walked into his bedroom which was illuminated by the overhead light. One sweep of the room, and I spotted the boy doing a few pull ups on a bar he had installed in the frame of his bathroom door several months beforehand. He dropped down, turning to look at me with a toothy grin.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 ▷ Stiles Stilinski¹Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang