73|afraid to turn

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Poor Stiles.

Dylan O'Brien was awesome in this season though. His acting was next level amazing.


Scott and I stood down the other end of the hall as Stiles and his dad spoke. The Sheriff had been called as soon as the animal - Malia - was spotted.

Stiles said he wanted to talk to his dad alone first. They had been having trouble communicating lately, and he wanted to make sure his dad was still on our side.

"A couple of students said they saw it running across the field and back into the woods," Sheriff Stilinski told his son, hand on the boy's shoulder. "Thank God, nobody got hurt."

Scott and I hung back, listening in to the conversation from afar. I didn't want to listen in on them, but Stiles asked.

"What happens if she does hurt someone?" Stiles questioned him.

The Sheriff sighed heavily, looking ahead, "Most likely they'll have to put it down."

"Put her down?" Stiles emphasised the word her, making sure his father understood. "Dad, try not to forget there's a girl in there, one that you'll be killing."

When the Sheriff didn't stop, I noticed Stiles' shoulders droop. "Come on, you aren't back to not believing, are you?"

The Sheriff turned on his heel sharply, his face set in stone. "I believe there are a lot of things I don't understand yet," he whispers. "But that doesn't mean that everything and anything imaginable is suddenly possible."

Stiles glimpsed at us over his father's shoulder. Making sure we were still there, I guess. He looked worried that everything with his dad was backtracking, and that he wasn't going to believe us anymore.

"Now," the Sheriff continued. "Are you one-hundred per cent sure that this is a girl and not an animal?"

"Yes," Stiles replied without hesitation. "Because Scott's sure."

When the Sheriff remained silent, Scott looked down the hall to Scott and I, before turning to face the opposite direction. "Scott, Riley, have you guys been listening?"

The Sheriff looked over to us after Stiles asked, and we both nodded. Mister Stilinski half-sighed, before turning back to his son. "All right, let's get this figured out. Come on."


I stood waiting outside of the locker rooms as Scott waited for Kira. She seemed to feel more comfortable around him, and I didn't want to make things weird or anything.

But when Stiles went rushing through the door with a backpack, I decided that I should put that aside. He looked to both of us as Scott stood up. "I think I know what she was looking for."

He unzipped the bag to reveal a dirty, child's doll. It was rather creepy if I were to be honest.

Scott sighed and let his head loll to the side. "You took the doll from the car?"
He didn't seem surprised, just disappointed; like a parent.

"Yeah," Stiles almost mumbles. "I thought you could use it, you know, for like her scent."

Just as Stiles was about to reply a shocked, almost angry voice spoke from the doorway, "Where did you get that? Where did you find this?"

Mister Tate walked over and snatched the doll away from Stiles, causing him to step back in shock. He looked down at the doll, his eyes softening, "It belonged to my daughter."

None of us knew how to react. But thankfully, the Sheriff came to our rescue, apologising to us as he stepped in between us and the distraught man.
"Mister Tate, I don't know how you heard about this. If you got your own police scanner or what. . . But you can't be here."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 ▷ Stiles Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now