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Long time, no see

I can't help but wonder if people can even be bothered with me anymore hahaha

I'm going to try and get back onto a weekly basis, but I'm sorry if I forget every now and then

So Season 3B will be the last part of this book, because wow there are so many chapters, but I'll make a second book for the rest of the seasons! I thought that would be easier because a lot of people had trouble finding the sequels to my last books

We have finally reached season 3 which, in my humble opinion, is one of the best overall seasons. Especially part B.

Also, a few things before we begin:

- Charlotte, if you're unable to remember, is Riley's half-sister from her father's first marriage. Her mum died during childbirth, and she is six years older than Riley.

- Charlotte is being played by Daisy Ridley

Thanks for those who are still reading, for reasons unknown to man.

As always comment, vote and stick around! And if I've made any typos, just point them out and I'll fix them right up!

So, let's dive straight in, shall we?


The four months had went by painstakingly fast. My sister, Charlotte, and I were in the car on our way to Beacon Hills, a moving truck following not far behind.

After our mother's funeral she had taken me to live with her in Devonford to give us both time to be alone together to grieve. She had also made the decision to sell the house, believing that I didn't need to be surrounded by the bad memories. At first I had fought her on the subject until I was blue in the face, but she stood her ground.

I'm glad she did. After the funeral, I knew I never wanted to go back there again. I only went back to pack all of my things into boxes, and then I was gone.

My mother's funeral had been four days later. We kept it to close friends and family so that it wouldn't be crowded. Scott, Stiles, Isaac and Lydia had attended. I wanted Allison to be there, but she had left for France the day beforehand.

The three who did come tried to speak to me on multiple occasions, but I just couldn't bring myself to respond. I didn't even cry. I had just sat there; numb to every feeling. Stiles remained by my side the entire time, holding one of my hands in his and whispering words of empathy, relating back to when he had lost his mother.

Only the top half of her casket had been open for viewing; Charlotte had asked for this so that we didn't have to be reminded that she was stabbed. It wasn't exactly easy to forget, but she was trying.

Overall, it was a nice funeral. It just shouldn't have happened.

Lottie's apartment in Devonford had felt worlds away, like Beacon Hills didn't even exist. The peace was nice, but at times I felt like I was drowning in it. Stiles and Scott would call and text, but I never responded. I didn't need them feeling sorry for me and telling me that everything was going to be okay.

Nothing was okay. Ever since Scott had been bitten, everything had been a never ending shit-show. First he got bitten, then we were hunted by the Alpha whilst also dodging the hunters, then the Kanima, then Allison's crazy grandfather with the Kanima, and now this new pack who thinks they can murder my mother and just walk away.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 ▷ Stiles Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now