52|nothing's changed

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Hope you guys are enjoying part 3!


"It worked," Scott exclaimed as he sat up. He had passed out after Derek had finished rebranding him with the rings.

"You'd wanna hope so," I laughed. "Wasn't exactly easy holding you down."

As Scott stood up Stiles got closer to examine it better. "Well, it looks pretty damn permanent now."

"Yeah," Scott agreed as the two boys walked into the lobby area of the house. I trailed behind, still not feeling as welcome as I used to. "I kind of needed something permanent. Everything that's happened to us, everything just changes so fast. Everything's so. . . Ephemeral."

Stiles nodded slowly, his lips curved in thought. "Studying for the PSATs?"



I couldn't help but laugh. It was moments like these when I felt like we weren't living in a world with werewolves and Kanimas and whatever else was out there.

Scott opened the door, but didn't walk out. He just stood and stared at the front door for a moment. "You painted the door," he observed as he looked back into the house at Derek. "Why'd you paint the door?"

Derek's face was painted in concern as he shook his head lightly, "Go home, Scott."

But, Scott being Scott, didn't do as he was told. Running his hand up the fresh coat of red paint he was only left with more questions, "And why only one side?"

Removing his hand from the door and retracting his claws Scott ran one down the paint, removing it as he went. Derek told him to stop as he walked over, which only gave Scott more incentive to continue.

Bringing both hands up he rabidly scratched at the paint until we could see the original slab of wood beneath it. But it wasn't completely the original. There was something painted onto the door.

It looked like Derek's triskele but it didn't have the spirals. There were three lines leading to a solid triangle in the middle.

"What is that?" I whispered.

Scott turned to Derek, "The birds at school and the deer last night, just like the night Riley and I got trampled by the deer when I got bit by the Alpha." God, that felt like a lifetime ago. "How many are there?"

Derek sighed, knowing he wasn't getting away from this. "A pack of them. An Alpha pack."

You've got to be kidding me.

"All of them?" Stiles asked. "How does that even work?" I was curious to know the answer to this also.

"I hear there's some kind of a leader. He's called Deucalion."

My stomach dropped and my knees buckled beneath me at the mention of his name. I collapsed to the ground, having trouble breathing.

The man who got Ennis to kill my mother. He was still here.

Stiles, probably against his better judgement, was down by my side in seconds. "Riley, what's wrong?"

"It's him," I mumbled as I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "He was there the night my mother died."

I felt Stiles wrap his arms around my shoulders as Derek continued talking. "We know they have Boyd and Erica. Peter, Isaac, and I have been looking for them for the past four months."

"Let's say you find them," Scott says as he steps closer to the Alpha. "How do you deal with an Alpha pack?"

"With all the help I can get."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 ▷ Stiles Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now