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Echo House was an intense episode, but I'm excited to write it. Voiddddd


"I'm glad we're finally able to agree," the Nogitsune said as I became conscious once more. He had been telling me for days now that if I helped him he'd leave me alone. But, he also said that once I started helping I wouldn't want to stop.

I didn't care about his warning, I just needed him out of my head.

This was the first morning since being here where I didn't wake up screaming or out of breath. The clanging noise was still there, but it was faded. I know I said I was trying to stay strong, but having a trickster spirit pretending to be your boyfriend messing with your head made that kind of difficult.

"So, what are we going to do today?" Malia asked as we walked outside. "Not that there's much to choose from."

I shrugged, trying not to focus on the Nogitsune. "You decide."

"You may be strong little sylph, but I am stronger," he told me. "You can't keep ignoring me. Let go of those pesky emotions, and join me."

"No," I growled.

Malia looked at me with concern in her eyes. "Are you okay?"

I scanned the area to make sure none of the orderlies were listening. "It's still following me."

She nodded slowly, "The trickster spirit that apparently looks like your boyfriend?"

I confirmed her words, searching for the Nogitsune. "I know it's hard to believe, but if you'd been through everything I have, this is the most plausible thing to happen.

"Riley, I used to be a coyote," the girl reminded me. "I'm pretty sure I'd believe anything at this point."

"If you let me in, maybe we won't kill her," The Nogitsune offered, still using Stiles' voice. "I can't say much for the rest of your friends. But I don't think what I say will matter; you'll want to kill them."

"Shut up," I said, raising my voice.

He stepped closer, the clanging noise growing louder.
"You're thinking about it, aren't you? How it would feel to suck the air from the lungs. To choke the life out of them."

I shook my head as I glared at him, "I would never."

He smirked as he glared right back, "Really? Not even the twins, who stood by and let their pack kill your mother? Or maybe your ex-boyfriend, who is so eager to date one of your best friends. Or Allison, the best friend who he is replacing you with."

"Stop it."
I must've been beginning to speak louder, because Malia was beside me, trying to talk to me.
"Malia, get away from me," I warned her.

"Or what about Lydia? You used to be so jealous of her. Or maybe Scott? All of this started when he got bit."

I turned away from the Nogitsune, not wanting to see Stiles face connected with those words. "Leave me alone!"

I felt the Nogitsune grow closer, his voice rising with each step to be heard over the clanging of the MRI machine in my head. "Or what about Stiles? The boyfriend who left you here to rot!"


"Riley?" I heard Stiles' voice say as a hand touched my shoulder.

When I turned to see it standing right behind me, I immediately swung. My fist connected with its jaw, and it immediately toppled to the ground in shock.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 ▷ Stiles Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now