21|dress shopping

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I do NOT own Teen Wolf

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Question of the Chapter: If you could choose, who would you have brought back from the dead for the final season?
There are way too many options, sorry for being morbid.


We stood around the corner in the hallway, watching the exchange between Allison and Jackson.

I couldn't hear anything, but I could see that she was laughing, and that he was doing his best to fake laugh; staring in our direction every two seconds.

Stiles tapped Scott on the shoulder. "Hey, don't worry. I'll still be there."

"I'm still going," Scott claims, not taking his eyes off of Allison.

I took in a sharp breath, "Scott, do you think that's actually a good idea? Coach told you that you're not allowed to go."

"Yeah," Stiles agreed. "And do you even have a date?"

"Not yet." He turned around and looked at me, "Riley, do you want to go as friends, since neither of us are going to get to go with who we want to go with?"

I started rapidly blinking, shocked by the random invitation. After I got over the shock, I narrowed my eyes at him, knowing that he was referencing Stiles as the person I wouldn't get to go with.

And he was right, I couldn't ask him.

Besides, maybe he'll finally have the guts to ask Lydia out, now that she and Jackson are no longer dating.

Stiles raised his eyebrows, "Who did you want to go with, Riley?"

I stuttered awkwardly for a moment, before I remembered the conversation Stiles and I had had the other night. "Ryan Gosling. But obviously that's not going to happen. He's too busy filming his next blockbuster."

"Right," Stiles said, dragging the word out. "Scott, do you have a suit?"

"Not yet," the boy repeated.

"Do you have a ticket to the formal? A ride there?"
Stiles was beginning to be a real downer.

"No. And no."

Stiles sighed, "So, you're gonna ride your bike to a dance that you're not even allowed to go to without a date, a suit, or a way in with werewolves and werewolf hunters all out to kick your little werewolf ass."

Scott grinned. "Yeah. You guys gonna help me?"

Stiles and I looked at each other, and broke out into smiles. "Uh, definitely. This is gonna be one hell of a night," I replied excitedly.

Putting an arm around both me and Scott, Stiles began to walk away, taking us with him.

I ducked and slid out from his arm. "But, I can't help right this second. Allison invited me to go dress shopping with her and Lydia, and I actually want to go."

The boys nodded and said good bye, before leaving. Not without Stiles asking where we were going, and if I would mention him to Lydia. I just laughed and walked away.

I actually wasn't lying when I said I wanted to go. Partially because I haven't even got my dress yet, but I also wanted to give Lydia that chance I was telling myself to give her.

I'm friends with Allison, and so is she, so we needed to find some common ground.


𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 ▷ Stiles Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now