86|let me in

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Closing the door behind me, I walked up behind him. "Stiles, do you even know what you're looking for."

He nodded, pointing to the far wall. "Something to do with that."
I followed the line from his finger, to see the kanji for self carved into the wall. Had Lydia been right when she had said Stiles was here?

He may not have been here in person, but I know that when Void has spoken to me, I've gone to different places. Maybe this was where he took Stiles.

"Stiles, what's going on?" I asked quietly.
As far as he knew, I didn't know that he was on the verge of being possessed. After all, I had been locked in here for days.

His face was solemn, the darkness of the basement shadowing his emotions.
"You might not love me anymore if you knew the truth."

I thought I'd feel something at his words, but there was nothing.
"Stiles, I nearly killed eighty people in that hospital. There's nothing you could say that would change how I see you."

As we searched the basement, he began to tell me everything I had missed. First, Void had shot Coach with an arrow, almost killing the man. Then, he blew up part of the Sheriff's station, definitely kill some people. And finally, he had almost killed Scott at Doctor Deaton's clinic.

This was where they had managed to inject him with something to keep the fox at bay. So how was I going to let him loose?

We had taken a seat on an old couch so that we could sift through some papers we had found.
"Well, at least you can't be worse than the people who used to work here," I told him, holding up some papers with diagrams on them. "Some of these procedures are insane. Trepanation? Seriously."

"That's what Oliver was talking about earlier," he told me. "It's when they drill into your head."

"Fun," I mumbled. I watched him as he read the papers on the table in front of him. Looking at his neck, I saw hand shaped bruises. So it was Stiles who I had choked, not Void. "Sorry about that," I told him, running a finger along part of the bruise.

Regular Riley would've apologised, so that's what I did. Void said to gain his trust, and I was going to do just that.

He hesitated, before making eye contact with me. "What happened out there?"

Dropping my hand, I looked in my lap. "Ever since the Nemeton, something has felt wrong inside of me. Then I got committed here and it was like that 'wrong' manifested into something. Something that looked like you. So when I saw you standing behind me, I panicked."

This wasn't technically a lie, so it was going to seem believable to him. When he didn't say anything, I apologised again.

"You should've told me," he said softly. "The Nemeton was so long ago. You should have told me."

"I know. I'm sorry."

His knee was going up and down and he was biting his nails. Something was wrong. "Could you do me a favour?" He turned, lifting the back of his shirt. "Could you check the lines on my back. Just tell me if they're fading."

I assisted him in lifting it higher so I could search for them. There were lines, but they were faint, which is exactly what I told him. Did this mean that the medication was wearing off, or did the lines have to be more visible? When Stiles didn't answer, I knew.
"That's not what you wanted to hear, was it?"

He shook his head, pulling his shirt back down. "I've missed you so much," he said quietly, not looking at me. "These past few days without you have been hell.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 ▷ Stiles Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now