Chapter 15: Accident

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Elam openes the door of the office and entered. Mr Farooq looked up at him and smiled whereas Elam smiled back to him then walked and sat down on chair in front of his father.

'Wow, What a surprise, How come you are here?' Mr Farooq asked happy and Elam just smile.

'I need to tell you something dad, Are you free?' Elam said while looking at him.

'Off course I am always free for you?' Mr Farooq said while smiling and Elam loudly sighed.

'Dad, you was right.' Elam said and looked up at Mr Farooq.

'About what Son?' Mr Farooq asked.

'You was right that we have to get into system if we want to change something.' Elam said and Mr Farooq smiled. Elam looked up at him as Mr Farooq was just looking at him so Elam continue.

'I have decided to get into politics to change and bring positive change in my country. ' Elam said

'Wow, Thats great. I am really happy.' Mr Farooq excited said and Elam smile back at his father.

'But Let me clear one thing, It is dangerous profession and not safe for a people like architecture.' Mr Farooq added and they were looking at each other.

'I know dad and I am ready for it.' Elam said and Mr Farooq nodded his head in understanding.

'Thats good to hear but you still have to convince your mother. she will never let to join politicians.' Mr Farooq said and Elam nodded his head in yes.

'I know but I will convince her.' Elam said and they both smiled when Mr Farooq start telling me everything in brief.


'This show is my favourite because the hero is so good looking.' Ayat screamed happily while looking at television whereas Jannat and Mrs Farooq just looked at her.

'He is not that good looking.' Jannat said teasingly and Ayat snapped head toward her.

'Why would you find him handsome when you have husband way more handsome then him.' Ayat said back teasingly and Jannat blushed red and looked down whereas Ayat and Mrs Malika start laughing.

'Oh my sweet sister-in-law, don't you have any reply back to me now.' Ayat added with Amar tease and Mrs Malika start laughing even mor whereas Jannat glared at Ayat

'Its....Its nothing like this.' Jannat shutter

'So you don't find Elam brother handsome. Shall I tell him you think that about him.' Ayat asked

'No, He is handsome and don't tell him.' Jannat said quickly whereas they both start laughing and she felt embarrassed over her stupid outburst.

'You are so cute.' Ayat remarked and she even blushed more red. At the same moment their house phone ring and they all looked at it.

'I will go and get it.' Jannat said and get up. she walk toward phone and pick it up.

'Salam.' She said

'Salam, Its me, Jannat.' Mr Ayub scared voice came in.

'Yeah Dad.' Jannat said and he loudly sighed.

'Jannat Sania got into the accident.' Mr Ayub said and Jannat shocked stood  on her spot.

'Mum, got into accident.' Jannat shocked whisper

'Yeah, come to city Hospital.' Mr Ayun said quickly and put away the phone whereas tears start flowing from her eyes.

'Jannat what Happen?' Mrs Malika asked when saw her standing like a status next to phone while crying.

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