Chapter 35: Tough Love

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Jannat was standing in the kitchen while making food when Mrs Sultana entered. Jannat looked up at her who was glaring at Jannat.

'Do you need anything?Jannat askedwhile ignoring her glared.

'No,  I have own hand to work with.' Mrs Sultana said harshly and walked towards  fridge then took our water bottle. She walked back to counter and put  water in glass ,and drank it while Jannat got back to her food again.

'If  you think you will stay forever with Elam the you are wrong? I will  kick you out as soon I will get a chance.' Mrs Sultana said bitterly and Jannat looked at her who glared at her then walked out. Jannat hurtfully stared  at her back till she disappear then sighed and got back to her food. She was eating less and still thinking about Mrs Sultana behaviour when Mr Ayub entered inside the kitchen. 

'Jannat, Are you alright?' Mr Ayub asked and Jannat came back in her senses then nodded her head in yes.

'Its nothing dad.' Jannat said and Mr Ayub smiled then walked out whereas Jannat out away the dishes and walked out as well


Elam was pacing around in the lawn restlessly.  It was past seven in night. He was walking when he heard foot steps behind him.
He stopped and looked up. Mrs Sania was standing there. Elam sighed and looked away clearly and rudely indicating that he don't wanted to talk to her. Mrs Sania looked at her son then sighed while understaning his message. It had been a week since he came to her room and gave her food but after that there was nothing else. There was still no difference between their relation and he still was not talking or accepting anyone. But Mrs Sania became really careful as well after his out burst a week ago that he hate them and he felt suffocated with her all time talking to her. She wanted to felt him comfortable.

'Last time you lied to me that you had your food.' Mrs Sania said and Elam stayed quite not saying a word showing he don't care.

'I am not in any mood of talking. Please go back inside.' Elam said coldly while looking other way, and Mrs Sania sighed.

'I am not here to spoil your mood. I just came to call you inside for food. Everyone is waiting.' Mrs Sania said while dranking up tears inside her with his behaviour then turned over to walked. She only had took few steps when her feet tremble and she fell down. She hissed in pain and on her screamed Elam looked back at her then clenched his fist but stayed still on his place. He didn't moved from his place to helped her. Jannat who was standing quite far way looking and listening to them, when Elam didn't moved to helped Mrs Sania she ran toward her.

'Mum, Are you alright?' Jannat asked and got hold of Mrs Sania then made her got up. Mrs Sania smiled to Jannat while hidding away her pain, but Jannat knew how hurt she would be. Jannat looked at Elam who was standing looking other way.

'Elam, Your mother fell down and you didn't even bother picking her up.' Jannat asked looking at Elam.

'She is not my mother.' Elam said annoyed and glared at Jannat.

'Fine, but she is a human. How and when you become so heartless Elam. You used to even feel pain for stranger and now you acting like nothing happen on your mother's pain.' Jannat asked shocked with his cold behaviour. He was getting worsen day by day. She thought it could be  improved when a week ago he went to gave food to Mrs Sania but it got worsen after that. He was more restless, puzzled and annoyed whereas from inside Elam regretted going to gave Mrs Sania food that night. He don't wanted to be nice with people who snatched away his family.' Elam thought while totally forgetting that they were actually his family.

'Its alright Jannat.  just leave him.' Mrs Sania said because the way they were talking she felt like they were going to fight soon.

'No, Now is enough. He is being so heartless. He is becoming animal day by day.' Jannat commented while standing right behind him.

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