Chapter 33: Political Party

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'He entered into his office then sat down on chair and start doing his work. He press the bell to call in his secretary. After few seconds Ibrahim, his manager entered.

'Where is my secretary?' Elam asked

'You know she was pregnant so she went on for a leave but I already have found new one for you.' Ibrahim said and he nodded his head in yes

'Send my coffee.' Elam said while Ibrahim nodded his head nas walked out. After few minutes a young woman entered and smiled to him while he looked up.

'Your coffee Sir, I am Maliha.' Maliha said and he nodded his head.

'Welcome to work with us.' Elam said

'Sir you are great youth leader for today's generation.' Maliha said and Elam smiled

'Thanks.' Elam said while she nodded her head in yes and walked out. Elam sighed then drink a sip from a coffee and make disgusted face. The coffee tastes really different and weird.

'Maybe she made in different way.' Elam said then start working back while drinking the coffee.

He walked in the sitting room every everyone was sitting watching news except Mrs Sultana. He walked and sat down on the sofa then looked at the television where they were watching news channel.

'Well finally our current PM had given his statement over the matter.' New reporter said and they were looking when Mr Farooq appear on the screen.

'First all need to stop with all things they are assuming. Elam personal life have nothing to do with professional life. So that doesn't prove that he can't be a good politician. Why look at negative side when they had make mistake 25 years ago but bright side that Elam and Jannat have two families who love them dearly. I think you all need to give some personal space to all of us because in the end of day it is stressful for us.' Mr Farooq said and camera shift back on new reporter.

'Well Mr Farooq have a point. In the end Mr Elam have already be doing alot for this countries which included new roads and schools have start building as well.He also had give application to high government to provide electricity in small villages and after so much struggle finally small villages are start having electricity. I am huge fan of him so I am still supporting him but its elections and other parties are having problem with this issue. Their is issue doing that other parties were looking for a chance to eliminate Elam from election and now they have got a chance. Let see what will happen next.' News reporter said while smiling.

'Now we will listen to public's opioion.' News reporter said and camera zoom on to public.

'He is best and young so he understand our younger generation more.' One of boy said

'I think he can manage. Media need to give some space to them.' One of old man said

'I don't think he deserve. He never had knew his identity. Not good thing for a country.' One of middle age man said and then there was few more public review few negative but mostly positive when he picked up the remote and turned off the television and everyone looked at him.

'I am hungry and not in mood at all to eat news as a food.' Elam said while Mrs Sania and Jannat got up to make food and Elam and Mr Ayub just sat there in the silence.

'How is work going? Is there are too much trouble given by other parties.' Mr Ayub asked

'If you would really have cafe about me, you should have never exchange on my birth.' Elam
said coldly and Mr Ayub looked at his son.

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