Chapter six - The game is on.

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The wind gushed and the rain spat in so many directions it was almost impossible for someone to avoid getting soaked. I couldn't even keep my hood on without it flying off so I just walked through Baker Street with the rain hitting my face harshly and holding a plastic bag from the shop where I had gone to get some milk.

I opened the door of 221b and sighed happily with relief when I got inside. I made my way upstairs, hoping John and Sherlock didn't create a war whilst I was gone.

"I've got the milk." I said as I entered our flat and looked at Sherlock sitting on the couch, deep in thought, "Although you said you would get it."


"Mhm," I mumbled and took my shoes and coat off, leaving me in my navy blue sweater and black jeans before making my way to the kitchen where John was sat at the table reading the newspaper, "And how are you this fine morning?"

"Fine now I can have a cup of tea," John smiled warmly at me before putting his newspaper aside, "Yourself?"

"I'm lovely," I put the kettle on, "You know, just a little damp from going out in that blizzard. Don't you just love British weather?"

John chuckled softly at me before getting up and grabbing a cup out of the cupboard, "Sherlock? Would you like one?"

No answer.

"He's still thinking about the murders." John rolled his eyes, "Some things don't change about that man."

"I thought he could solve things out quickly?"

"He only found out about the bodies last night, Hol," He chuckled, "He is human. He never did solve all the cases he was given."

I didn't know how to respond to that so I didn't. I just nodded and looked over towards Sherlock and smiled, then continued making me and John a cup of tea. I gave John his tea so he could drink it whilst reading the rest of the newspaper, then put mine on the coffee table before sitting next to Sherlock. I knew I probably annoyed him, but it was fun to wind him up and watch him go. I know many people, John being one, would just leave him be. But I didn't want to do that, despite the fact he was 'in his mind palace.' Nothing is going to get done if he continues to daydream.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?"

No reply.

"Sherloockk." I whined and leaned on his shoulder annoyingly. He opened one eye and looked down at me before closing it. He still didn't say anything. I leaned off him and sat straight, my face falling. I needed to say something that grabbed his attention.

"I'll burn your violin."

"Holland," John started from in the kitchen, "Leave him alone. Go play with your laptop."


"You act like a child sometimes. All you do is sit in your bed or on that sofa on your laptop since you quit."

"Yes, and why did you quit again?"

I turned to face Sherlock at the sound of his voice, happy he finally said something. I smirked, "Deduce it, smart ass."

Sherlock's brows raised, and he looked over towards John as if to say 'is she always like this?'

Yes I am.

John shrugged his shoulders lazily, and then Sherlock faced me again.

"Will you make me a cup of tea, Holland?"

"John had already asked you if you wanted one. You had your chance."

"Really? I didn't notice." Sherlock responded, completely oblivious. I couldn't even begin to tell you how many times I had rolled my eyes around Sherlock since he moved in.

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