Chapter eleven - He could do with a goldfish.

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"Sherlockkk." I sang softly as I entered the room, seeing that Sherlock was doing an experiment on his kitchen table. I arched an brow, but shook my head, not bothering to ask. "Hey."

"What do you want?" He snapped. I raised my brows with amusement. 

"What's up with you?"

"Nothing. I'm working."

"If only I could have noticed." I said sarcastically, stopping myself from rolling my eyes, "Where's John?"

"Just on one of his pointless dates."

"With Mary? They've been seeing each other for five months now." I informed him. They've been dating before Sherlock even showed up. I think for the time Sherlock had been back we have somehow forgotten to mention Johns girlfriend, or John simply didn't say anything because he knew Sherlock would mess it up.

Sherlock raised his head, looking surprised for a moment, but then he went back to normal. "They have? I thought it was just some different girl he took out every couple of days."

I rolled my eyes, "John isn't a player. He sticks to one girl. Have you met Mary yet?"


"I have. She's lovely."

"Yes. Fine. Good to know." He muttered, looking back down at his work. Ugh, he's always doing something that's related to work. Him shooting the wall would be much interesting to watch right now.

"So, when was the last time you went out with a woman?- Not that I'm asking you out or anything. I'm curious."

Sherlock replied straight after, "Please stop trying to make conversation." 

"Oh...Was it a guy then?"

His raised his head again, exhaling deeply. "No. Holland, would you please just go."

"Just wondering."

"Go make yourself a cup of tea like you normally do."

***A few days later***

"Oh my god, Holland, are you here?"

"Yes, John, I'm here." I waved my hand in the air so he could spot me lying on the living room floor. He looked down and paused for a moment, furrowing his brows.

"Why are you on the floor?"

"I don't know." I answered. Which is the truth. I was sitting on the sofa and felt the need to stretch, so I lied on the floor. But now it was beginning to get uncomfortable.  

"...Okay?" He seemed confused and walked over to me. He looked around the room and hesitated, but eventually he sat down on the floor and crossed his legs, "Where's Sherlock?"

"Told me he went to get milk although I highly doubt that."

"Well, um, I need to speak to you... about Mary."

I sat up, and did the same as John by crossing my legs. "Okay, lets hear it."

"I was, um, planning on proposing to her..."

I stared at him for a few seconds, then broke out into a grin, "Oh my god! That's amazing!... Oh my god!"

He smiled and chuckled bashfully.

"Jesus, you've got me all excited!" I clapped my hands together cheerfully, "I hope she say's yes!"

"So since your a girl, I was wondering if you could help me plan? I mean, Mary isn't the girly type, like you I suppose. Which is why I could use some help. What do I say? What ring do I get?"

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