Chapter eight - What a coincident.

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I was glad it had stopped raining now. It was still damp outside and I had to try my best to avoid puddles, but atleast the sky was free of rain. I saw the café in view, and go to cross the road until I accidently bumped into someone.

"Crap, I'm so sorry!" I apologize, looking at the guy who I accideny pushed back. Luckily non of us fell over, which was good, otherwise I would had felt even more guilty.

"It's fine, it was my fault." He replied, finally looking up to see me. He smiles, "Well, haven't you got lovely eyes!"

I furrow my eyes and let out an awkward chuckle, "Uh, thanks..."

"Sorry, didn't mean to sound so weird. It's just, well, the lighting here is making your eyes stand out more, and I really love your hair. It shapes your face perfectly. Is it a natural colour?"

"Yes," I answer, still feeling a bit awkward.

"Wow, I must sound like a creep! Sorry! I just like to draw portraits, and you look like my daughter. I love to draw her, you can check them out on my website!" He says proudly, I smile.

"I would love too!" I let out awkwardly, not wanting to be rude.

"It's called Bella Art."

"I'll try and find it soon, but right now I got to go otherwise I'll be late. Sorry!" I felt really bad for leaving, this guy seemed to be really proud of his work. He smiles anyway and tells me it was alright before we both walked our seperate ways.

I entered the café with a smile on my face. I saw Dan straight away, sitting where me and Sherlock had sat earlier. I walked over to him and sat down, smiling a thank you at him for the cup of tea he had already brought me. I took a sip.

"Strong, two sugars. You remembered?"

"Of course," He chuckled, wrapping his hands around his mug of coffee for warmth. I didn't understand how he drank coffee. It was horrible. To me it was, anyway. I could drink it, but I only liked coffee if I make it myself.  "How have you been?"

"I've been well." I answered, "I moved in with John two years ago."


"John Watson. Remember? A few years higher than us in school."

"Ah! John Watson, its been a long time since I saw him. We never really got along, mainly because I didn't trust him around you."

I rolled my eyes, "Just because he was older doesn't mean I'm going to do reckless things with him." I laughed slightly, the idea of me and John together was ridiculous. Not that he wasn't bad; it's just that friendship suited us better.

"I didn't know that at the time," Dan said, "But John was a nice guy. I remember when we all went to that house party, ah- that was so funny! I loved that night."

I let out a laugh, "Yeah, me too. You fell into the pool, and when you got out John accidentally threw up on you, then you threw up on him, and then sat up and the owner of the house wasn't very pleased because there was sick everywhere."

"Well, It was mainly on me and John."

I laughed again and playfully roll my eyes before taking another sip of my drink.

"So who's that Sherlock guy? He looks older than you."

Oh here we go again, "I'm thirty, you moron."

"How old is he?"

I didn't know the question to that, so l just guessed, "Thirty five."

"He doesn't look like your type," He commented. "He's that detective right? Wasn't he supposed to be dead?"

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