Chapter twenty eight - Reunion.

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It had been a good fifteen minutes since I had phoned Sherlock. I described to him the area I was in and said he'd get me as soon as possible. Until then, he told me to stay put in the car since it was the safest place to be at the moment. I still had no idea where I was, but Sherlock seemed to know where. I was still worried that psycho would pop out of no where, since he's probably still searching for me. I just hope he doesn't.

I check his phone to see if Sherlock texted. I sigh when nothing shows up and lean back down in the car seat.

Suddenly, out of no where I hear a slight bang on the window next to me. I gasp and jump in fright, turning my head to the left and seeing Sherlock standing there. I smile happily and open the door before wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him tight. I thought he would hesitate but he didn't, he seemed to wrap his arms around me too to return the hug.

"Thank god you found me." I say, sighing with relief. I was so happy he managed to find me. 

"Thank god you called me."

At this point were still hugging, until finally I decide to pull away from him but I still kept my arms around him and stared at his face, happy to see him again. His arms will still wrapped around me too but not as tight as when we hugged.

"You really do know every place in London, huh?" I give a shaky chuckle.

"It's a good thing I do." He replied, but then his eyes pull a confusing look, "Whats that?"

"Not important." I tell him, pulling my hands away from the back of his neck and pulling my top upwards a bit. He lets go of me and reaches his hand up to pull mine away so he could see the marks. His face filled with an emotion I hadn't seen before. It was a mixture of anger and sadness. I frown and feel embarrassed that these marks are even on me, and look towards the floor.

He hesitates, but he finally speaks, "...Did he-?"



"He didn't."

"Then what are they?!" He raises his voice and looks at the bruises in disgust.

"He just kissed me." I tell him the truth, feeling awkward. "He didn't get to do anything though."

"We would have until you hit me on the head."

Me and Sherlock snap our heads towards the voice behind us. A lump forms in my throat as I see him. I knew, eventually, he would find us again. Sherlock stands in front of me protectively, although I'm sure I could fight for myself, now feeling much more confident that Sherlock is here.

"Get in the car, Holland." Sherlock says, and I pull a face.

"And leave you out here alone?"

"Yes, now get in. I've called Lestrade, they'll be here soon."

I sigh, "Sherlock-"


I didn't want to argue with him, so i quickly went back into the ar. I turned around and could see Dan's brother through the back of the car window, Sherlock moves towards him and I hear the faint mumbling of words.

"You don't have to do this." I manage to hear Sherlock say, but the rest is just faint mumbles until one of them decides to speak up again. I see the look on Sherlock's face turn angry, and a grin was plastered on the mans face. I rolled the window down a bit so I could hear what was going on.

"Are you mad, now?" The man says, grinning, "That I marked her mine?"

"She's not an animal you can just mark-"

"Are you mad she wanted to have me? That she lead me to my room and kissed me while I touched her body-"

"Stop it." Sherlock ordered. But he doesn't.

"Are you jealous that I kissed her skin and grinded myself onto her while-"

"I said stop it!" Sherlock snaps violently. Suddenly, some how even though I had the gun, Dan's brother pulls another gun out and points it at Sherlock as he yelled his voice. I suddenly felt angry. I didn't know what I wanted to do to Dan's brother, but I wanted him to pay. Why couldn't we just be left alone?

Sherlock held his hands up and walked towards him, softly saying stuff I couldn't here. I think Sherlock was trying to keep him calm. When he was close enough he quickly grabbed the gun, but Dan's brother reacted quickly. He managed to shoot, but it didn't hit Sherlock as he pushed his hand and the gun went flying under the car I was in. They started fighting, Sherlock throwing punches at the psycho in self defense until I could see blood on Dan's brothers face.

It seemed as though Sherlock was winning, and had weakened Dan's brother until the police came, but then Sherlock stopped in shock and pain spread across his face.

I wasn't sure what happened. Maybe the man kneed him somewhere painful? I wasn't sure.

Dan's brother then started punching Sherlock a couple of times until Sherlock got a nose bleed. Once Sherlock fell on the floor he started kicking him over and over, making sure that he hurt Sherlock as much as possible. I couldn't just sit here and watch Sherlock get beaten to death.

I couldn't.

I grabbed the gun I took from the mans house and got out the car, disobeying Sherlock's orders. He didn't seem to notice me at first because he was too busy hurting Sherlock, but as soon he heard me load the gun he stopped and slowly looked up. He plastered a wicked smile, but tried to be nice, noticing that this time, I was the one who had the power to kill him.

"You could hurt someone with that." He says, thinking I was too soft to shoot him. I was not a killer, and I never want to be. But this guy deserved whatever pain came to him.

"That's the point." I answer, lowering the gun and pointing it at his lower leg. I fired the gun and heard him cry out and fall to the floor. Once he was down, I ran up to Sherlock and helped him stand. "Are you okay?!"

His nose was bleeding and probably had some bruised bones, but didn't show signs of any pain from them being broken. He cringed and squinted his eyes shut when I helped him stand, he let go of me and stood on his own, then looked at the weeping psycho on the floor, "Good shot."


"You bitch!" Dan's brother spat, his hand now covered in blood from pressing it down on his wound. I saw flashes and heard police sirens, then soon police cars parked all around the area and police officers with guns walked out, pointing them at Dan's brother incase he decides to pull any stunts. I soon saw Greg getting out one and running to us. He looked at the man on the floor and then too me.

"Holland! Are you okay?!"

"It's Holly." I correct, and then smiled, "Im fine. He's the guy who kidnapped me."

"Charge him for sexual assault as well." Sherlock spits, and looks down at the man in disgust. Greg looks worryingly at me but I mouth 'Its fine'. He nods, unsure, and then the paramedics come to help Dan's brother. Now im defiantly embarrassed, I really didn't want people knowing what Dan's brother did to me- In my opinion Sherlock was over reacting. It's not like Dan's brother got that far. Plus, Sherlock doesn't normally seem to pity other people anyway.

The paramedics came to Sherlock but he shoos them off before walking off himself. They then approach me and I tell them that I was fine before walking up to Sherlock.

"Are we even aloud to leave yet?"

"No." He replied, "Lets leave anyway."

I pulled a face, unsure, but followed him anyway.  We walked to the main road. Sherlock hails a taxi and we go back to 221B. Somehow, Sherlock looks stressed. Like he's in pain, but also angry. I wanted to ask whats wrong, but decide to ask later, since now didn't seem like the right time. But I was pretty sure he needed medical attention.

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