Chapter twenty - Stag night.

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AN: Not sure If i have mentioned this, (I've been re-editing) but Holland doesn't like wearing dresses, and she defiantly doesn't like ones picked out for her so she's not going to be a bridesmaid. Also, Holland was apart of the cases such as the elephant in the room ect, except for the bloody guardsman as she was with Mary at the time. I did put this in this chapter, but then I deleted it when I was re-editing as the whole chapter was seven pages long which is way too long so I decided to delete some stuff. Anyway, thought you should know:)

**Holland's POV**

"Embarrassment leads me on to the stag night. Of course there's hours of material here, but I've cut it down to the really good bits." Sherlock said, probably thinking the night was awful. I was there when he and John came home drunk, but I have no idea what they were doing before that. All I know is that Sherlock took test tubes (I think) to the pub, and told the bar man to fill them up with beer. 


I stand there. Silently, watching the both of them. I don't think they know I'm here, and I resist the urge to take out my phone and snap a picture. They're both lying on the steps, so I can't get up them. John is on his back by the wall with his arms folded and Sherlock is on his side facing the banisters. Both of them have their eyes closes, and finally one of them speaks.

"I have an international reputation." Sherlock slurs. John settles his head into a more comfortable position, and Sherlock looks over his shoulder. Still oblivious to me standing here. "Do you have an international reputation?"

"No, I don't have an international reputation."

Sherlock moves his head back down, "No." He then pauses, and then turns his head towards John a little but doesn't open his eyes, "And I can't even remember what for...Sss... Crime ... something or other."

"You're a detective, in case you forgot." I finally say. "How are you already drunk? You haven't been out that long."

Both boys snap their heads towards me, and John frowns, "Wh...When you get there?"

"Holland..." Sherlock begins, then giggles, "Isn't that a Country?"

"Hey." I warn. They both put their heads back down to rest and close their eyes. Sherlock is still giggling lowly.

"Holly Polly."

Then John laughs. Mrs. Hudson then comes out of the flat 221A with a bag of rubbish. She stops in surprise at the sight of the boys.

"Ooh! What are you doing back? I thought you were going to be out late."

"Ah, Hudders. What time is it?" Sherlock slurs. Mrs. Hudson looks at her watch.

"You've only been out two hours."

 I roll my eyes, they were such lightweights! "Get up, boys." I order. They needed to do something and I didn't really want them to sober up. This was hilarious. "Lets play a game."

The boys sit up, trying to stand but too tightly wedged together. Sherlock falls off the step and lands with a thump on his backside onto the next step down. I laugh and help them up. "Come on."

"What game are we playing?" John asks, swaying up the stairs with Sherlock. We finally make it into 221B and I sit them down on their arm chairs.


"What the hell is that?" 

"John, you think of a name and write it on some paper then stick it onto Sherlock's head. Then, Sherlock you have to ask question's and try to guess what name you were given."

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