Chapter seventeen - John's wedding.

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AN: The dress Holland wears is on the side! You'll see why she isn't a bridesmaid in the next few chapters c: 

Still in Sherlocks point of view.


The church bells go off and the doors to the church open. John and Mary walk out, followed by me and the chief bridesmaid. Not to sure what her name was, I'm sure someone told me. Eh, must have forgotten. Soon, all the other people come out, including Holland, the other bridesmaids and the vicar.

"Congratulations! Okay, hold it there – I wanna get this shot of the newlyweds." The photographer in front says, and I step towards Mary's side.

"Er, just the bride and groom, please."


I turn to my side and saw John and Mary staring at me. Oh. "Oh, sorry." Then I step out of the way and walk somewhere i am needed.

Loads of photo's are being taken. John and Mary, Mrs Hudson, John and Mary. Holland and me. Molly and Tom. Basically, loads of photos were being taken. Did they really need so many photos? I didn't even know half the people I had photos with.

"The famous Mr Holmes! I'm very pleased to meet you." The chief bridesmaid, who I learnt was named Janine says after the photographer took a photo of us. "But no sex, okay?"

"Um, sorry?" I say, startled. She laughed.

"You don't have to look so scared. I'm only messing. Bridesmaid, best man ... It's a bit traditional."

She gently punches my arm and I look down with distaste. "Is it?"

"But not obligatory!" She says a little awkwardly.

"If that's the sort of thing you're looking for..." I jerk my head towards the other wedding guests, "The man over there in blue is your best bet. Recently divorced doctor with a ginger cat, a barn conversion, and a history of erectile dysfunction." I observe the man more, then see the shoes he is wearing, "Reviewing that information, possibly not your best bet."

"Yeah, maybe not."

"Sorry – there was one more deduction there than I was expecting."

"Mr Holmes," She hooks her arm with mine. "You're going to be incredibly useful." Again, she looks at me then smiles for the next photo that was about to be taken. Oh god.


Later on that day, John, Mary, myself and Holland were standing outside the venue for the reception and were greeting guests. I don't think me and Holland were supposed to be standing here with John and Mary, but it beats having to go inside and dealing with people I don't know. 

We've greeted so many guests so far. Why is this necessary? The only interesting guest I've met so far was David. I think he's scared of me, since he told me i was a psychopath in the past and when i replied, i smiled and corrected him. I'm a high-functioning sociopath, with your number.

"Pleased to see you." Mary says to a woman dressed in a white and black dress. She kisses Mary on the cheek and hugs John and Holland.


"Thanks for coming, thank you." John says.

I see a familiar face and hope he doesn't say anything. The young pageboy runs straight up to me and wraps his arms around me, smiling happily. I look awkwardly down at him. His mother smiles at him.

"He's really come out of his shell. I don't know how you did it." 

"Um..." I feel awkward. I'm in serious trouble if they found out what i did with Archie, the young boy. Only Holland knew.

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