Chapter thirty three - Surprises.

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AN: dedicated to TheDoctorsWolf. Thanks for your lovely comments:)


We were now in the lab at Bart's. Molly was finishing some tests on Sherlock's urine sample. Sherlock was standing nearby, leaning back against the central bench and looking sulky. Im near him, leaning against a wall with my arms crossed patiently, waiting for Sherlock's results. On the other side of the lab Bill is sitting on a side bench while Mary wrapped a bandage around his arm.  Isaac is also sitting nearby along with John who was near me. Molly takes off her gloves with two loud snaps.

"Well? Is he clean?" John asks. Molly throws her gloves down, and turns towards John.

"Clean?" She then turned and walked over to the face of Sherlock. I watch her slap him hard around his face with her right hand. Mary, Bill and Isaac hear the noise and look over with surprise, and Molly then slaps him just as hard again. I look just as surprised too, I doubt Sherlock was clean. "How dare you throw away the beautiful gifts you were born with." She glances briefly towards John then back at Sherlock, "And how dare you betray the love of your friends. Say you’re sorry."

Sherlock is now holding his face, and there are red marks on his cheeks, "Sorry your engagement’s over – though I’m fairly grateful for the lack of a ring." Sherlock observes. I frown. Poor Molly, i know she loved that guy.

"Stop it." She warns angrily, "Just stop it."

John stormed towards Sherlock, "If you were anywhere near this kind of thing again, you could have called, you could have talked to me."

"Please do relax. This is all for a case."

Mary was still wrapping Bills arm, and she shakes her head.

"A ca... What kind of case would need you doing this?" John seems confused.

"I might as well ask you why you've started cycling to work."

John shakes his head at his deductions, not in the mood for him to change the subject, "No. We’re not playing this game."

"Quite recently, I’d say. You’re very determined about it."

"Not interested."

"I am." Bill interupts. We look over at him just in time for Bill to hurt himself, "Ow!"

"Oh, sorry. You moved. But it is just a sprain." Mary tells him.

"Yeah. Somebody hit me."


Bill turns his head and looks at John, "Eh, just some guy."

"Yeah, probably just an addict in need of a fix." John says.

Sherlock pointedly looked directly at John, "Yes. I think, in a way, it was."

"Is it his shirt?"

Sherlock looks at Bill, "I'm sorry?"

"Well, it’s the creases, innit?" Bill looks across to John. "The two creases down the front. It’s been recently folded but it’s not new. Must have dressed in a hurry this morning, so all your shirts must be kept like that."

Me and John stare at him in confusion.What? Sherlock taught him how to observe and deduce?

"But why? Maybe ’cause you cycle to work every morning, shower when you get there an’ then dress in the clothes you brought with you."

Sherlock looks at him, clearly impressed. Bill carries on.

"You keep your shirts folded ready to pack."

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