Chapter sixteen - Into battle.

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AN: I was thinking of making the wedding chapters in Sherlock's point of view, hope you don't mind!

"Shut up, Mrs Hudson." I spit as she stares, knowing she's going to comment on what im doing.

"I haven't said a word."

"You're formulating a question. It's physically painful watching you thinking." I sigh and stop dancing with my imaginary partner.

"I thought it was you playing."

"It was me playing." I pick up a remote control, switch off the music player and bend down to make a notation on the music sheet lying on the table."I am composing."

Mrs Hudson put her tray on the table beside Johns chair, "You were dancing"

"Who was dancing?" Holland walks into the room, her hair messy and her nightwear still on, showing she just woke up. Great, now this is going to get awkward, she will defiantly make fun of me for dancing.

"I was road-testing."

"You what?" She looks confused.

"Sherlock was dancing." Mrs Hudson adds.

"You were?" She gives me a funny smile. I throw down my pen, then turn to Mrs Hudson. Why did she have to tell Holland I was dancing? 

"Why are you here?"

"I'm bringing you your morning tea." She says and pours some milk into a cup, "You're not usually awake."

I sit down in my chair, "You bring me tea in the morning?"

"I thought that was you." Holland smiles before laying down on the sofa. I look at her. Wasn't the wedding soon? Shouldn't she be getting ready? Oh- right. Holland is lazy. 

"Well, where d'you think it came from?!" Mrs Hudson chuckles and pours the tea. 

"I don't know. I just thought it sort of happened."

"Your mother has a lot to answer for." She takes the cup and saucer and hands it to me, before picking up the other one and bringing it to Holland.

"Mm, I know. I have a list. Mycroft has a file."

Mrs Hudson giggled and sat in Johns chair. Oh god, she isn't going to try and form a conversation is she?

"So – it's the big day, then!" She said excitedly. 

"What big day?"

"The wedding! John and Mary getting married!"

"Two people who currently live together are about to attend church, have a party, go on a short holiday and then carry on living together. What's big about that?"

"It changes people, marriage."

"Mmm, no it doesn't."

"Well, you wouldn't understand 'cause you haven't been in a relationship, have you?"

"Aww Sherlock. Don't worry" Holland got up off of the sofa and approached me and Mrs Hudson, sitting on the arm of the chair that I was sitting on, "I'll marry ya."

"Your husband was executed for double murder. You're hardly an advert for companionship." I say to Mrs Hudson, then turn to Holland, "As for you, your ex boyfriend was a psychopath. Excuse me for not wanting a relationship." I take a sip of my tea.

"Don't be rude" Holland warned. "And of course, good idea that you don't want a relationship. The poor girl would be dating a sociopath, never mind me dating a psychopath."

I look at her, what was wrong with someone dating me? Sociopaths aren't bad people, not like psychopaths. "High functioning Sociopath, actually."

"Soz." She sarcastically apologized. 

"Marriage changes you as a person, in ways that you can't imagine." Mrs Hudson began.

"As does lethal injection." I smile at her. Holland slaps my arm. Oh right, I'm being rude again.

"My best friend, Margaret – she was my chief bridesmaid" I roll my eyes but she carries on anyway. "We were going to be best friends forever, we always said that; but I hardly saw her after that."

"Aren't there usually biscuits?" I question as I stand up. Holland slips off of the arm of the chair and Into the space where I was previously sitting.

"I've run out."

"Have the shops?" I pointedly walk towards the door.

"She cried the whole day, saying, "Ooh, it's the end of an era.""

"I'm sure the shop on the corner is open."

"She was probably right, really."

I close my eyes and grimace.

"I remember she left early. I mean, who leaves a wedding early? So sad."

"Mmm. Anyway, you've got things to do." I start, trying to be nice. But i really don't want to hear about her wedding day.

"No, not really. I've got plenty of time to-"

"Biscuits." I say sternly. She gets out of Johns chair and tuts.

"I really am going to have a word with your mother."

"You can if you like. She understands very little." As she goes out I close the door, then turn around sighing.

"You didn't have to be so rude."

"Be quiet, Holland."

"Can't you call me Holly, or Hol if that's too much for you? Holland is a crappy name. I don't want people knowing it."

I raise my eyebrow. How was Holland a 'crappy name'? I didn't think it was crap, i thought it was different. Better then those normal name that i hear all the time.

I stare at Holland, her hair messy and her face natural. She still looked beautiful, even like this. "Shouldn't you get ready now?"

"I probably should." She sat up and walked to her room. I walked to mine, and pulled my dressing gown off.

"Right, then." I looked at my suit, "Into battle."

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