Chapter thirty five - Bad proposal.

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**Sherlocks POV**

Im not sure what time it is but its round about in the evening or night time. I look to my right and see John and Holland walking towards the entrances of the skyscraper building which houses CAM Global news.  They walk through the revolving doors and approach the security barriers which look like you'll need a security card to open them, obviously. John looks at his watch, and i walk up to them from behind.

"Magnussen’s office is on the top floor, just below his private flat, but there are fourteen levels of security between us and him, two of which aren’t even legal in this country. Want to know how we’re going to break in?"

"Is that what we’re doing?"

"Of course it’s what we’re doing. Well, thats what me and John are doing."

"Wait- What?" Holland pulls a confused frown. I didn't really want her with me when we break in. She surely wont like what i'll do and i'd hate to see them death glares again.

"You'll need to wait outside in case Magnussen comes back. Just act normal, pretend to be waiting for someone and smoke a cigarette."

"I don't smoke." She states, "And I'm sure as hell not waiting outside while you two get to do all the fun."

John sighs, clearly fed up with the both of us. He was probably wondering why she called it fun, and it amused me too. I raise my eyebrow, but ignore what she says, "It's part of my plan. You need to do this."

She stares at me blankly and folds her arms, "Is this about me catching you with Janine?"

"I don't understand-" John starts, but I cut him off by groaning in annoyance.

"No, its not. Stop being so stubborn and just wait outside!" I realise I was rude, as she so poetically puts it. I sigh, immediately feeling sorry for being angry with her. "Please?"

"Jerk." She mutters, then walks outside by the front doors of the building.


After a short while, me and John are carrying a takeaway cup of coffee and are walking towards an escalator in the building. I prepare myself on how to explain to John how we're going to break in into his office.

"Magnussen’s private lift. It goes straight to his penthouse and office. Only he uses it-" I say and we both get onto the escalator, "-and only his key card calls the lift. Anyone else even tries, security is automatically informed."

We get to the top and walk towards the lift that only Magnussen can get past, which leads to his office. I stop by the lift and hold up a key card to John, "Standard key card for the building. Nicked it yesterday. Only gets us as far as the canteen." I look at the lift, "Here we go, then. If I was to use this card on that lift now, what happens?"

I gesture towards the lift and John seems to already know, "Er, the alarms would go off and you’d be dragged away by security."


"Get taken to a small room somewhere and your head kicked in."

I look at him, "Do we really need so much colour?"

"It passes the time."

I give him a look and pass him my cup of coffee. John takes it and returns the look i gave him. I take my phone from my coat, "But if I do this," I press the security card against my phone, "If you press a key card against your mobile phone for long enough, it corrupts the magnetic strip. The card stops working. It’s a common problem – never put your key card with your phone. What happens if I use the card now?"

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