Chapter thirty - I like you.

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The next morning i wished i had woken up to Sherlock's soft playing of the violin. But i didn't. It was quiet, and i stayed in bed for at least another ten minutes, staring out into space. I didn't know why, i guess i just wanted to wake up a bit more.

I was thinking about last night, im not going to lie. 

I got out of bed and pulled some socks on before going out of my room. I enter the kitchen, and see Sherlock sitting at the table, looking into his microscope. Although i know he notices my presence, he doesn't look up. Instead he carries on looking into his microscope. I put the kettle on and grab a cup, then put a tea bag and two sugars into it along with milk. I left it on the kitchen counter and sat next to Sherlock while waiting for the kettle to boil. I rub my one eye tiredly.

"Whatcha doin?"

"I'm looking at the bacteria on nails when they've left the body and how long it takes for the bacteria to make them decay."

"I see you've found your toe nails then."

"Yes, well, they're not actually mine, i got them from a body at the morgue."

"Ah." I reply, and i hear the kettle go off but i ignore it for a moment.

"Want to look?"

I shrug and he moves the microscope towards me. I lean up a bit, and place my eyes where they were supposed to be. Ew, is that what nails look like up close? Although the nails and the bacteria rotting them away looked strange, i still thought it was quite interesting. I was used to all the weird stuff when i worked as a vet. I guess i saw some pretty weird stuff when i looked at infections and blood samples under a microscope. 

"Cool." I say, and let go off his microscope and push it back towards him. He doesn't say anything else, and continues to look in his microscope, writing notes down on his note book now and again. I get up and pour the hot water into the mug, then grab hold of it before walking into the living room. I open my laptop and open up skype. John and Mary should be up by now, it should be the afternoon where they are.

John answers imminently after i call him. I chuckle. "That was quick."

"Holly! Thank god! I've been in reception all day waiting for a call of you and Sherlock. I was so worried!"

"Why?" I ask casually, but then my face falls. I mentally face palm myself and mutter, "Sherlock told you?"

"Of course he did! What happened?!"

"Dan's brother kidnapped me. I guess crazy runs in the family."

"Did he hurt you? Touch you? Shouted abuse at you? Anything?"

I didn't want him to worry, "No." I lied. "I'm fine."

He sighed in relief, and Mary came into view, "Holland! Are you okay?!"

"Yes." I moan, feeling like im talking to my parents, "Hows your honeymoon?"

"It's fine. Im glad you're okay." Mary smiles, "John fell asleep on a float bed at the beach. I wave went over him, i pissed myself laughing."

"Aw damn, wish you got it on camera." I whine jokingly. She starts laughing at the memory, and i laugh along with her. John rolls his eyes and Sherlock raises his head to look at me as he hears my laughter.

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up." John mutters. Mary kissed his cheek, and Sherlock comes over and sits by me.

"Is that John?"

"Yes. Why did you tell them? I told you not to."

"It was good he told me, Holly." John interrupts. I roll my eyes, "We're glad he didn't hurt you though, that's the main thing."

Sherlock glances at me and gives me a look. I tell John we had to go, and him and Mary agreed and said goodbye and at another 'Is everything okay?' before hanging up. I go onto the internet and open up tumblr, ignoring Sherlock's looks.

"You didn't tell them?"

"Of course i didn't. Why would i tell them that?"

"I don't know." He states, "I thought you would want them to know."

"Not really." I turn to him, "Just between us two, okay? Oh, and Greg and the police force obviously." I remember Sherlock clearly telling them to charge him for sexual assault, and then Greg's questioning, sympathetic looks. Sherlock nods at me nonetheless, then his eyes travel down to my neck. I follow his eyes, and look down to see that the bruises are showing. Not enough that John would see and question over skype though. I feel embarrassed, and pull my shirt up a bit more. "Sorry." I mumble.

He shakes his head, "Don't be sorry. He did that, it wasn't your fault."

"When will they fade?"

"Well, looking at the color. I'd say a week or so, maybe two weeks."

"Oh." I start to feel much better, they might be gone before John gets back, which is good. I look up and meet Sherlock's eyes. Damn them eyes. 

"About yesterday..." He starts. I feel uncomfortable. I know he doesn't do that often. I know he doesn't want a relationship because he's married to his work. I know it was a heat in the moment thing. Blah blah blah. I know what he was going to say. 

But to me it wasn't like that. I mean, good gravy, have you seen him? I've wanted to kiss him from when i first saw him standing on our doorstep.

"I've never..." He starts, but stops as his mouth comes to an hault. He begins to stutter, becoming nervous, "I mean, i have kissed a girl- Like, um, you know, i never meant it when it did. And, um-"

"Speak your mind like you normal do." I then say. His eyes soften as he realizes he was stuttering, and i give a slight smile.

"Okay." He clears his throat, obviously not used to speaking about these sort of things. But then again, neither am I, "What im trying to say is, yesterday, i meant what i did. I don't take it back. There's something about you. I would imagine women would expect men to do relationship stuff in a relationship, and men expect the same. But im not like them. And i admit, i don't necessary find that stuff interesting sometimes. And you're okay with that, and you let me be myself. You're patient and don't really care if i don't take you to fancy restaurants or predictable movies. So what im trying to say is that... i like you more than a friend, Okay?"

He mumbles the last part, but i hear him clearly. My smile grew big. So big that i had to look down to my knee's to hide it. I was speechless. I wasn't expecting that

"Uh..." He begins again and i look up, "Did i say something wrong?"

"Nope." I smile again, and put my hands around his neck, "Come here." I pull his face towards mine and kiss him. Of course, he's shocked, but he kisses back. I'm still smiling against his lips, and then i finally pull away and rest my forehead against his.

"I like you too."

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