Chapter twenty one - The sign of three.

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**Sherlock's POV**

The killer was here today, and was after James Sholto. Sholto had led new recruits into battle. It was a standard procedure; break the new boys in but it went wrong. They all died and he was the only survivor. Someone who hates him because a family member had died that day, wanted revenge. They placed a small blade through his belt, but he wouldn't feel it because the belt was so tight around him. Just like Bainbridge. 

Luckily, John helped saved his life. Perk's of being a doctor, I suppose. I solve the case, and John Watson saves the life.

But who could have tried to kill Sholto? It would have been something who could go unseen, who's never in any photo's at a wedding.

 "What are you doing? What is this?" The photographer says, panicking. I had the police get him, he was currently driving home.

I hold up up my phone to show the others the screen, "Jonathan Small, today's substitute wedding photographer – known to us as the Mayfly Man. His brother was one of the raw recruits killed in that incursion. Jonny sought revenge on Sholto, worked his way through Sholto's staff, found what he needed, an invitation to a wedding – the one time Sholto would have to be out in public. So, he made his plan, and rehearsed the murder," I said, referring to Bainbridge, "Making sure of every last detail. Brilliant, ruthless, almost certainly a monomaniac – though, in fairness, his photographs are actually quite good." I toss my phone to Lestrade, "Everything you need's on that. You probably ought to... arrest him or something."

Mary comes into view, looking for John. She spots him and smiles before hurrying to him. Janine is standing beside me, and leans closer to say something but doesn't look at me, "Do you always carry handcuffs?"

"Down, girl."

Mary holds her hand out to John. "Come on, quick!"

"It's not me you should be arresting, Mr Holmes." The photographer says in disgust.

"Oh, I don't do the arresting." I turn to Lestrade, "I just farm that out."

"Sholto – he's the killer, not me. I should have killed him quicker." The photographer grins, then his smile fades and he shakes his head, "I shouldn't have tried to be clever."

"You should have driven faster."


The tables have been cleared away in the reception room. I was playing the violin for John and Mary as they dance a slow waltz. The guests stand around the edges of the room and watch them, smiling. As the tune I compose comes to an end, John shifts one hand onto Mary's back, holds her by her waist and starts to lean her backwards. Mary gasps.


John chuckles, and she giggles. He kisses her as the tune ends and the guest break into an applause and some of them cheer. Everyone is looking at John and Mary, but when i look at the loud screaming I see Holland and Janine laughing together, looking at me and cheering. 

"Yeah!" They whoop. I give them an 'are you serious?' look before turning towards the music stand, pick up my buttonhole flower that I had taken so I wouldn't get in my way when I was paying the violin, then toss it towards Holland and Janine. Janine catches it and they both start laughing again.

I step to the nearby microphone, "Ladies and gentlemen, just, er, one last thing before the evening begins properly. Apologies for earlier. A crisis arose and was dealt with." I draw in a breath. "More importantly, however, today we saw two people make vows. I've never made a vow in my life, and after tonight I never will again. So, here in front of you all, my first and last vow. Mary and John: whatever it takes, whatever happens, from now on I swear I will always be there, always, for all three of you." My eyes widen when I realized what I had said. Why did I say that? Why did I let that slip my mouth? I shake my head and start stuttering, "Er, I'm sorry, I mean, I mean two of you. All two of you. Both of you, in fact. I've just miscounted. Anyway, it's time for dancing." I turn to the DJ, "Play the music again, please, thank you." Disco lights begin to flash and I gesture to the guest to come in the middle of the dance floor and dance as 'Oh What A Night' by 'Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons' start playing, "Okay, everybody, just dance. Don't be shy! Dance, please, very good!"

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