Chapter ten - I told you so.

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**Sherlocks POV**

"I hope Holly will be okay." John started, only a few minutes after we entered the flat.

"She'll be fine," I assured, trying to calm him so he'd be a little more quiet. Plus, I knew Holland was a strong woman who was capable of looking after herself. "Dan will probably give her money for a taxi so she can get home."

"She's got no money on her? What happens if Dan is the killer? Why did I let her meet him?!"

"John," I said with annoyance, "Be quiet."

Letting out a sigh, he joined me in the search around the flat for the hidden camera and microphone. The first place I looked was on the bookshelf since that's where someone hid it last time. John was looking in the kitchen. But as I was taking out the dusty books I paused for a moment and thought. If Dan was the killer, then he is obviously obsessed with Holland. Where is the place he could see more of her?

Her room.

"Here, Sherlock." John spoke up, catching my attention. I looked towards him and saw he was holding a small camera in his hands. He found it in the kitchen. I walked over to him and grabbed it from him, "What do we do with it?"

"Dispose of it, obviously." I answered him, and turned it over to look for an off switch, "I think there's one in her room."

"Her room?" John sounded disgusted, knowing if there was one in her room then the guy would have been able to watch her sleep or dress. And from this, we now have a prime suspect. Dan. We found camera's in our home for crying out loud. The women all look similar to Holland, and Dan had gotten a job in Speedy's.

"Yes." And with that I walked and entered her room. I've never been in her room before, and the room was completely different from how it was when I previously lived here a couple years ago. There was a double bed in the corner and the walls were a creamy white. She had a brown wardrobe and draw set as well, to which a keyboard was at its side. It was neat and tidy, showing she never did much in here. And there weren't many objects around the room. So there weren't much places to hide a camera. But I took a good guess and reached up to her bookshelf. It wasn't dusty, so she took books from there a lot to read. There was about fifteen or more books on the shelf, so not much compared to the books downstairs. I saw the camera as soon as i moved a certain dusty book she obviously hadn't read in a while, explaining why she didn't see the camera yet.

"That's horrible, putting a camera in her room to spy on her."

I turned around and looked at John, "I know."

Suddenly his phone started to ring. He dug for his phone in his pocket and pulled it out before answering immediately, "Hello?"

I watched him as he spoke on the phone. "Who is this?"

Suddenly his face flattened and turned pale. He looked at me before replying, "What have you done to her?"

He listened to the other person on the phone for a couple of minutes before passing the phone to me, "He wants to speak with you." Then he brushed his hand over his mouth to control his breathing. He looked angry.


"Sherlock. Lovely to hear that deep voice of yours."

Then i knew who it was, although i already took a guess to who it was when he was on the phone to John, "Dan."


"I presume you have Holland?"

"Indeed I do," He replied, "Beautiful woman, isn't she? I've missed her so much."

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