Bound by Law || 6-Unwanted Surprises

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"Honey, wake up!"

I stirred in my sleep, turning to the side and snuggling into the warmth beside me that pulled me closer.

"Karishma, Jai, wake up!"


A hand suddenly landed on my shoulder, gently shaking me. I groaned softly and opened my eyes, only for my eyes to settle on a chiseled, fair, chest.

I gasped and jerked away, turning on my back to look to the side at the person who was looming over me.

My mother's face came into my vision, looking over with wide, melancholy eyes, but I couldn't see her properly and had to squint my eyes a little, due to the bright light that was seeping through the blinds, hitting my face.

While I slowly moved to sit up, she stepped back and gestured towards the man next to me.

I rubbed my eyes and stretched before my eyes followed her finger, and that's when I panicked.

As soon as I turned my head, my eyes met with a softly snoring Jai. And then the heavy feeling of guilt and regret seeped deep into my stomach as the recollection of what had happened over the past couple of days hit me like a bullet train going at full speed.

It wasn't a dream...

I would have cried, but, instead, thought of shrieking at how his arm was still lying - almost life-less - across my stomach.

Picking up his arm, I quickly flicked it onto his own body.

My eyes found his face and I couldn't help but admire his face that almost looked delicate and innocent whilst he slept.

He looked so peaceful, his long dark eyelashes framing his closed lids that covered his hazel eyes.

His softened features made him look friendly and almost child-like. But he was in fact, the opposite.

I looked down at my lap as I sighed, imagining what my life would have been like if I hadn't ruined Jai's life.

Aman...I miss you. It's all my fault, please come back.

A hand on my shoulder made me jump in slight shock. Whipping my head around, I met my Ma's eyes.

She looked urgently at me before she pointed again at Jai's sleeping figure.

"Wake him up, you both have to eat breakfast," she said, walking towards the door. Before she left, she turned to look at me over her shoulder.

"And hurry, there's a surprise for you afterwards."

Without waiting for my reply, she quickly shut the door.


I looked at the body beside me, and hurriedly shuffled out of the bed, and into the bathroom to freshen myself up.

I'll wake him up once I finish, so he'll have more time to sleep.

And with that, I grabbed my clothes and entered the small shower, opposite the bed.

Closing the door, I could see my hands were trembling.

Even though it was the first day as husband and wife, I was nervous. I didn't like him, nor did he like me. Plus I didn't even know him. I felt as though this was all betraying Aman.

I wasn't comfortable here; I didn't even want to shower here, with him opposite this door, snoring.

Biting my trembling lips, I shook away the fear and slowly climbed into the shower.

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