Bound by Law || 23- Something New

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Jai's face was still turned away to the side by the force applied. Instead of getting mad like I thought he would, his body relaxed.

Without a word, he slowly turned back and looked up at a raging Sanaya.

I covered my mouth and glanced at Aunty who got up and carried Khushi out of the room. I got up to leave but Sanaya, as if sensing what I was going to do, swung around and pointed a finger at me.

"You stay, Karishma."

I gulped and instantly sat down, watching as Jai's eyes slowly drifted over towards me.

Now I knew how they were related: they were not only good-looking but they were both insanely intimidating when they wanted to be.

His face was taut and his jaw was clenched as he stopped himself from saying or doing anything to Sanaya.

"You cheated on an innocent girl?!" Sanaya started up again, waving her arms around as she talked. "Karishma did nothing to you, so why would you do that to her?"I looked away and at the floor.

This was all my fault, yet there was nothing I could do or say to get her to not yell at Jai. Though he was rude, I didn't want him to be scolded by his relative that he clearly loved a lot.

"I never knew you could be so cruel, Jai. I never ever thought you would do something like this."

Jai said nothing and continued to let Sanaya berate him, looking intensively thoughtful as he watched her shout at him.

"Wow." She turned towards me then, catching me by surprise. "Now I understand why you despise Jai so much, Karishma."

"Enough." Jai's voice boomed throughout the room. He let out a shaky breath. "Yes, I'm all those fucking things, but I'm not a cheater. I loved Aisha before I got married, and I was in love with her for a long time, so sue me for not being able to help my feelings."

He turned towards me, leaning back into the sofa, his eyes flashing with anger but there was something else—he looked slightly apologetic.

"I'm sorry for hurting you. I really am. But I can't do anything about how I feel."

When I didn't say anything and just turned my eyes away from him, he scoffed. He looked at Sanaya with his fists clenched.

There was heavy sarcasm evident in his tone when he said, "Are you going to blame her lack of forgiveness on me too?"

I pressed my lips in a thin line, annoyed at his attitude. Opening my mouth, I went to say something when Sanaya spoke up for me.

I'm not sorry for not forgiving him anymore. What a jerk.

"Jai, stop acting like a kid. After all this, do you really think she'll forgive you instantly?" She crossed her arms. "I wonder what else you've done to her."

He snapped his eyes towards her in shock.

"Wow," he breathed out in disbelief and shook his head in disappointment. "My own cousin thinks the worst of me."

I had had enough. I didn't want their relationship to be ruined because of an outsider like me.

"Stop it!" I exclaimed in a sudden burst of helplessness. Jai and Sanaya both turned around to face me, their faces solemn.

"Stop this nonsense." I looked at Sanaya. "Thank you for looking out for me but it's okay. I can take care of this myself. I don't want you to destroy the relationship between you two because of me."

Though I didn't believe the next words myself, I forced myself to utter them just so Sanaya wouldn't scold him like a child further.

"We were both forced into this marriage, so we're just going through normal husband and wife troubles. We're trying to adjust to our new lives like every other couple, that's all," I explained softly.

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