Bound by Law || 36- Too Late To Realise

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'Why aren't you picking up?'

- Gavin

'Karishma, please, we can be happy. Just pick up.'

- Gavin

'We can forget about all of this if you just come with me.'

- Gavin

'I'm serious Karishma. Don't think I'm playing around. I'm just doing this for us but if you're gonna be difficult then I have no other choice. If you even care about Jai a little bit, you'll answer me now and we can let him down peacefully.'

- Gavin

I had twenty more messages from him, all from an hour ago, expressing the same thing each time. Scrolling through each one, a dreadful feeling settled in my stomach as I decided not to reply.

It was a bad idea—ignoring it would mean he would still tell, but I didn't know what else to do.

Oh, wait.

I called up the one person whom I thought could help me in this dire situation.


"Chelsea!" I said loudly, hope filling my heart and voice. "I really need your help."

"What is it?" she asked, worried.

"Gavin's been threatening me and saying really weird things like he loves me and wants me to run away with him," I rambled. "I don't know what to do. Can you please talk to him?"

She let out a loud, exasperated sigh. "Oh, shit. Okay so it's happening again."


"He...can get a little obsessive. But its never gone this far."

"So you knew about this but you didn't tell me about it? You explained about everything else but left out this crucial information."

I felt hurt that she deliberately left something out like that.

"I'm sorry but I just expected you guys to be friends. I didn't know he'd develop feelings for you and do...whatever it is that he's doing. Knowing him, I know that someone's got into his head. He's a decent guy but something's pushed him over the edge. I'll try and calm him down but I can't promise you anything. He's unpredictable sometimes."

As I ended the call, I put my head in my hands.

In the end, it was all my fault.

I had somehow led Gavin on and he took it the wrong way and got obsessive over something he couldn't control, like the situation with his ex.

And even though I had wanted to tell Jai, I never ended up doing it. I was too happy with him, and after realising that the feeling I had this entire time was love, I just couldn't. I knew Jai didn't feel anything toward me, but I didn't want to hurt him.

Jai had gone to work and I had just come back from walking Archie and feeding him, and just like yesterday, things were great. Ever since my realisation last night, my feelings for Jai amplified, though I didn't really want it to.

It was embarrassing, and I could feel my face flushing hot every time he came near me or looked at me casually.

It made sense.

His gazes and intense stares—it always made me feel warm and fuzzy inside and I only understood why I felt the way I did now.

I smiled to myself a little at how my heart swelled up, just at the mention of Jai.

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