Bound by Law || 17- Awkward Tensions

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It was a really quiet morning today. Jai and I hadn't spoken in days and I'd been hiding my bandaged cut, that still hadn't healed, from Jai because it seemed to be the safest option rather than telling him and then being lectured by him.

I was sitting down and watching TV after a long day of cleaning and cooking, when my eyes spotted the lunch I had made for Jai, still sitting on the counter.

He must have forgotten to take it.

As much as I disliked him, I didn't want him to starve, so I got my phone and rang his phone.

After three tries and each time going to his voicemail, I tried calling his workplace.

The lady had informed me that he was in a meeting and that she'd let him know that I called but I didn't have time for that.

By the time the meeting would be finished, it would probably be lunchtime.

It was already nearing twelve in the afternoon anyway.

So heaving a great big sigh I got up, but then froze.

I really didn't have to do this. And I didn't really want to either.

But a part of me felt bad.

Whether he likes it or not I am his wife...

With a small groan, I rushed up the stairs to get my satchel before running back down.

Placing the lunchbox into my satchel gently, I put on my flats and walked out,  the warm breeze of the wind caressing my skin.

Luckily, 'my' house was close to the bus stop, which meant it was more convenient for me, especially because I didn't know how to drive.


After hesitatingly asking a man in a suit where A. W Industries was, he seemed to instantly know what I was talking about and pointed me towards the big and apparently well-known company.

Ross was the CEO now, since Aman and Jai's dad was now in India. Jai was the COO, the second in command.

I didn't know what COO meant, though, but it sounded important.

And I would have been impressed too if he wasn't so egotistical.

Maybe that's why he's so arrogant and bossy.

Ignoring my inner voice, I walked into the luxurious building, the cold air hitting me instantly, causing me to shiver.

It smelled fancy, and made me feel small; I felt out of place. Someone from a small part of South India definitely didn't belong in a modern place like this.

Suddenly a voluptous blonde lady walked up to me in formal attire and smiled brightly at me.

"You look lost Miss, may I help you?"

I blinked at her generosity and then smiled widely at her. "Yes, please. I called earlier about Jai Agar—"

"Ah, of course, you're his wife! Come with me," she said instantly, her face displaying excitement. "Oh, by the way, I'm Minnie. It's very nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too," I said softly, with a smile.

As she led me towards the lift, she turned her head over her shoulder. "Wow, so you're the lucky lady that's married Mr Agarwal," she said as if she was in awe.

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