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[ September 12 ; Saturday ]


Saturday came faster than what you expected. Soon you learned that Bangtan did live in one house. Minhyuk went to fetch you and you both went to..

I quote "Minhyuk's future home"

You called Namjoon's number when you arrived at the apartment of Bangtan.

"Hello Namjoon-ssi" you greeted on the phone.

"(Y/N)-ah! You're here? I'll be opening the gate right away" an excited voice replies.

Yoongi greeted you at the entrance of the door. He was smiling ear to ear. He wore a simple black shirt that suited him and his thin figure very well.

"Come in, come in" he said with a smile that melted your heart.

Minhyuk let out gibberish words you couldn't understand nor do you care about. You both entered the apartment.

Wow. This place is amazing

The apartment was big. Cool music was playing. It was squeaky clean, the interior was aesthetically pleasing for the eyes. It had this boyish apartment feel. It had a big living room and a kitchen. It had plenty rooms that you suppose are the rooms of the boys.

You immediately went to Namjoon who was typing on his laptop on the couch. Papers, pencils, textbooks were all scattered on the floor.

"Namjoon-ssi, let's start!" You came up to with a bright smile.

[ yoongi's POV ]


"Yoongi-ssi. Can you research on this?" Minhyuk said for the 6th time.

And while I ignore for him for the sixth time as well.

'You deserve this because you always get my darling's attention' i thought grimly. I looked straight to his eyes for the first time this afternoon.

"Fine. I'll do it" He said with a dreamy tone.

"So Namjoon-ssi, is this right?" (Y/N) asked with a cute tone.


"No, it's suppose to be the other way around" Namjoom replied while chuckling.

"B-but" she stuttered with a pout.

ASDFGHAHSKLL double kill. Why so cute babe?

[ your POV ]

He's staring again.

'Can't he do something else- like probably, finish their project?' I thought.

I can't stand this anymore. It's burning my back.

"Namjoon-ssi, where's the restroom?" I asked

Let's get outta here.

"Oh. Just go to the nearest room there." He replied still facing his laptop.

Yoongi's always looking at me. I mean what did I do?

Maybe he just wants to be friends? Probably what could be another reason. Yeah friends, why not he's cute.

I with no sense of direction. Might've messed what Namjoon said. I entered the nearest room to see a big flat screen Television and some kumamon dolls. It had those things you see in a club. The thing you use for enhancing the music. And some big-ass speakers.

Damn. Does Namjoon own this?

"(Y/N)-ah? Hi!" A voice said. I saw Yoongi entering the door.

"Oh! Hi? Is this your place?" I asked with a smile.

He looked at me dumbfoundedly.

I'm trying to start a conversation here. Yoongi-ssi please cooperate.

He widened his eyes and looked everywhere but me.

"Oh -uumm-err" he stuttered out.

I glanced at him worriedly.

"Y-Y-YES" he screamed.

"I mean yes. This place is mine." He said calmly.

"Cool! You edit music?" I widened my eyes. And a blush rose to his cheeks.

"Um- s-sorta. I m-make them" he replied.

"Woah DAEBAK!" I shout in amazement.

"D-do you wanna hear s-some? (Y/N)-ah?" He asked with a smile.

We listened to his songs I was right beside him while he played his songs and while he jammed his fingers on the table. We were beside each other until I remembered that I was supossed to finish a project, and Namjoon calling me from the couch.

"(Y/N)-ssi! Are you having a hard time there?" I flush in embarassment. I was supposed to go to the restroom

"O-okay Yoongi-ssi thanks for sharing your AWESOME talent" I said while raising my hands up when I said 'awesome'

"(Y/N)-ah please stay with me" he desperately called with a pout. Which I found amusing,

"Maybe, maybe later Yoongi-ssi"

"Wait! (Y/N)-ah let me give you this" he told me pushing a little mixtape with some earphones.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Nothing just a set of songs. I wrote it for someone" he said and smiled a genuine smile.

"WHO?!" I asked.

"Namjoon's callling you (Y/N)-ah" he replied immediately.

"O-oh yeah! Annyeong" I say as I wave my hand.

I went out and went to Namjoon immediately.

"OWW" I heard Yoongi say from the room.

I and Namjoon rushed to the room to see Yoongi on the floor.

"Are you okay hyung?" Namjoon asked

"Don't laugh! My left buttcheek really hurts" he said in embarassment.

"What did you do Namjoon?! Is this chair cursed?" Seokjin said as he popped beside me at the door.

"I'll give you two bandages hyung" Namjoon said while stiffling his laughter.

"CHAIR! APOLOGIZE" Jimin said from the couch and everyone was laughing.

Fun day.

[A/N: #의자_사과해 andd #민덩방아 anddd look at my boii♡👆]&[ please vote and comment. Critization are welcome]

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