[ 41 ]

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[ September 29 ; Tuesday ]

You woke up, not knowing where you were, what happened, what time is it. You woke up in a room. A white room to be exact it had a bed, just a bed. You head felt dizzy. Your hands were handcuffed although it was handcuffed using a stuffed cloth. But it ain't any kind of cloth, it looked expensive like silk. You were speechless.

Who uses a pillow as handcuff?

You tried to rip it off but it couldn't. It really was not just any type of cloth. Your hands were handcuffed together, you followed where the chain was connected to and you saw it was connected to the bed.

"Morning Princess" a voice said.

You looked around the room and saw Yoongi emerging from the dark corner.

"Yoongi! Thank god you're here. How do we get out? Oh my god why are we here in the first place" you said in a rush.

"Well I brought you here darling" and all the color you had once in your face, drained.

And you remembered it all. He had a book that he was hugging to sleep. A book that contained all of you, all the things about you, heck even the things you didn't know.

"What?" You asked. You couldn't believe it, all this time it was him.

"I love you lots, please rest someone's calling me. Wait for me" he sighed. And went out immediately.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" You ran towards the door before he completely shut it locked. Unfortunately, you were handcuffed so he managed to lock you in the room.

"DAMMIT!" You screamed. You knew something wasn't right with him. He was creepy and shit the first time you met him. But you couldn't deny how he made your heart beat

Dammit (Y/N) don't think that way!

Your phone, you checked your pocket. It wasn't there. You had so many questions. How will you get out. What the fuck. What is Yoongi doing. Why is he keeping you locked. What the actual fuck. What is going on. Where was the sweet Min Yoongi.

And suddenly it hit you.

Yoongi killed Minhyuk, then you cried.

The door opened, revealing Yoongi with a tray, a chair and a big-ass smile in his lips. He brought your favorite food that your mother used to cook, and sprite.

"Okay stop crying big baby, you need to eat" he said as he sat down on the chair.

"Hell no" you replied, there maybe some—

"Poison? There's no poison if that's what you think" he replied while placing the tray on his lap

He just read my mind, what the hell?

"Why would I want to poison my princess? And make you unconscious again? NO!" He yelled, he was mad. You didn't even do anything.

"For the last time, hyung. She didn't drink the water I gave. She just blacked out" a voice said while the door opened slightly. You knew that voice, that was Namjoon wasn't it?

"Namjoon-ah! That's you right?! Ple—"

"Go away. We're having a moment" Yoongi spoke and the door was shut again.

"I was so pissed you know. He just made you unconscious. Damn I wasn't supposed to be sleeping at that time" he said while lowering his head slicing the food before showing the spoon to you.

"Yoongi, what are you doing?" You asked silently, you didn't have the energy to fight with him.

"Feeding you" he replied while smiling brightly. "I've always wanted to do this y'know"

"I'm not eating tha—"

"I can't have you starve. That's not gonne be good for the children you're gonna bear. I'm weak myself, I don't want our children to be as thin as their father." He replied.

You only blushed and ate the food stubbornly to shut his mouth up.

"How many children do you want?" He asked happily, contented that you accepted the food.

"I won't have any with you weirdo" you replied.

"I read this website a while ago. And it was like you can have twins even if it's not in your family's genes. I mean how great is that? You always wanted twins!" He said while feeding you again.

How'd he know you wanted twins?

"Oh imagine cute little shits running around the kitchen and the studio" he daydreamed, you choked.

"Sprite!" He screamed bringing the straw to your lips.

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