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[ October 2 ; Friday ]

"(Y/N)!" Someone called. "Alert the nurses, she's already awake!"

You tried to sit up straight. Damn your head hurts. "No lie down again (Y/N)" a voice, a more feminine one, said.

You opened your eyes and adjusted to your surroundings, you were surrounded by white walls, beside you was a machine. And your stepmother looking at you from above. Oh you were hospitalized.

A doctor came in and checked up on you. He said everything was going back to normal and he could release you at a day or two.

"Daddy!" You sobbed, "my phone"

"Yes we reported it already, they're still trying to track the phone number" he said as he went near your bed. "I'm sorry (Y/N), I couldn't protect you an—"

"There was another stalker?" You asked yourself.

Unbelievable, am I that pretty?

"Yes, and he himself admitted on killing Minhyuk on that text he sent you" he added.

"I'm speechless holy fuck" you said. While your stepmother seemed to be triggered

"And I'll let that slide for today" he smiled at his wife. "Back to what I was saying, what if I alter your face"

"WHAT?!" Is he serious?

"Okay so you don't like that idea" he said bringing his head down.

"How about those masks, the artificial faces. It'll hide her identity, protect her" your stepmother said. Artificial what?

"I don't think she'll like it" your father mumbled.

"I will, just give me anything to protect me please" you begged.

"Okay so let me explain, you know that I've been experimenting with masks and plastic surgeries right? I made one that feels and looks exactly like human skin. And we could alter another face for it. You could use it as a mask and it'll look the same" he said.

"Dad, you're a genius!" You praised.

"In this way they won't notice me nor know me at all" is this finally the end of your problems?

"Thank you" you said while opening your arms wide for a hug, he hugged you and grabbed your stepmother who only smiled.

"Do rest" she said and you nodded.

You went home the next day, you blocked Yoongi's stalker contact, Namjoon, Youra, Jaebum and Unknown number you currently didn't want any drama.

Your father suggested to let the school year end and repeat your grade the following year saying you had to rest and move on from the shock that all this happenings gave you, he also suggested moving you to Busan where your grandmother was and attend school there, you said you had to think about that.

You had so much things on your plate right now, literally and figuratively.

"So (Y/N), umm" your stepmother coughed "I'm suggesting for you to go shopping, with my guidance of course. I'm only there to keep you safe. Also with the new face and all, you know relieve some stress" she said with a straight face

"Oh?" You choked on your rice.

"And she's too shy to say but she wants to bond with you" your father winked, shoving more rice to your plate.

Your stepmother only blushed.

Your father's phone ringed, as he excused himself out of the table. When he came back he had a frown etched in his face.

"What's the problem Kangchul?" Your stepmother asked.

"The police said that the address you gave was an old house, nothing suspicious about it. They raided Yoongi and his friends home, but they only saw a normal room, no anything. No cameras or CCTVs just a normal room" he said.

"What? But he did! I swear to God daddy you know I don't lie" you replied.

"We know, we believe you" your stepmother supported.

"Although there is another thing, so they tracked the phone of the other stalker" he said. "And?" You anticipated,

"When they got to the place, which was a cemetery. They saw Yoongi bruised badly, he was rushed to the hospital but he hasn't woke up yet" he said sadly.

"No, this is confusing me. Did he perhap—"

"Yes, the police thinks that Yoongi was injured by that other stalker" your father said.

So he really wanted to protect me? No it's impossible that lunatic can't possibly be good.

"You know what? You need the mall, spend all you want with me, relax and watch a movie or something" your stepmother said as you nodded eagerly, your father approving too.

[A/N: finally the action]

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