[ 37 ]

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[ September 24 ; Thursday ]

"So, we have a tradition to uphold" Youra said bringing candles to the coffee table.

Yoongi looked at Namjoon, Namjoon didn't know either

"Light the candles, I'll close the lights" you replied.

And so you did your traditional ceremony. Youra lit the candles and made a circle out of it, you closed the lights and opened the electric fan giving that windy spirit effect.

"Did we actually become infatuated with exorcists?" Namjoon asked.

"Maybe" Yoongi replied staring at the two ladies holding each other's hands and closing their eyes. "But I still love her, damn" Yoongi cursed.


You giggled and so did Youra.

"Are they getting possessed? Holy shit do we call someone or—" Yoongi panicked.

"So, Mr. Bang?" Youra started.

"He's funny, like really funny. He always says 'hit it' in every topic." You laughed at the memory

"Oh yeah there was this one time, a classmate of mine which was Jihoon by the way—

"Jihoon, the guy that had the biggest fattest uwu-est crush on you?!" You asked and Namjoon looked at Youra questioningly.

"Yeah and NOT THE POINT HERE." She screamed. "That was too long ago!! I love Namjoon with all my heart and soul!" She screamed,

"Okay chill girl" you replied calming her.

"What was I saying again?" She asked.

"Jihoon and Sir Bang" you and Yoongi replied. Yoongi was flustered, Namjoon looked at him showing him a teasing smirk

"Oh yeah, he was sleeping. Sir Bang was saying 'hit it, hit it, hit it' over and over again. Jihoon woke up and he hit the girl beside her"

"Omg harsh HAHA" you laughed. The boys laughed too,

"Speaking of classmates and old stuff. Did you see Hyungwon before leaving our neighborhood? He was looking all over for you the day before you left"

"Yeah I did meet him"

"He was like, 'I need to see (Y/N) before she leaves! It's super urgent I'm gonna die if I don't say it' sounds like a confession to me" Youra said.

Yoongi looked at Namjoon, Namjoon searched his private files on his laptop. You

"Nam Hyungwon, an old close friend of (Y/N), Jaebum and Youra" Namjoon informed "According to these information he's not that much of a threat" he added

"So what did he say, you didn't accept? Or you did but it didn't work out?" Youra pestered. The three of them anticipated on what you were about to say.

"Oh nothing like that, he looked for me so that I can pay the damn 2000 won I borrowed. He caused a scene on the airport, he didn't even let the 2000 won pass"

"What the hell?" Youra asked and laughed uncontrollably. Namjoon laughed along and Yoongi hummed in satisfaction.

"Yup" you said.

Youra looked at you and you stared back, this happened for straight 6 seconds and you both laughed boisterously.

"Hyung, I thing we really need to call som—" Said Namjoon.

"Okay on a more serious note" Youra said as you stared at her in anticipation of what she was supposed to say. You both cracked up for unknown reasons. 

"Why are you laughing?" You asked.

"I only laughed because you did too" she replied.

"No I laughed because you laughed" you replied chuckling a bit.

The four of the teens laughed. The two girls laughed merrily and the two boys did just because the love of their lives were laughing. A simple chuckle and their days would be complete, they were whipped fam.

A knock was heard on the door, Namjoon and Yoongi looked at the door. Namjoon stood up and neared the door while (Y/N) and Youra chatted animately.

"Namjoon hyung, I can't sleep" Jimin said repeatedly knocking on the door.

"Its almost 11 Chim why aren't you asleep?" Yoongi asked.

"Yoongi hyung, why are you in Namjoon hyung's room? And my insomnia's being an ass" he replied, he was still outside the room.

"Fine, we'll help you sleep" Yoongi replied as he closed the computer they used to watch (Y/N) and Youra

He patted Namjoon's back and went to the kitchen to make Jimin warm milk.

[A/N: so for the one who's asking "why are they in Youra's room?" Or "why the hell did Jimin walk to Youra's house on 1 am for some warm milk?" Actually namjoon and Yoongi were watching them all this time huehue]

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