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[ October 18 ; Sunday ]

At the span of that two weeks (Y/N) was always at home, alone. Her stalker hasn't shown any signs of himself yet. Sometimes she really felt that the police were slacking off at their job, cause they've got nothing. Nothing about the stalker, nothing about her stepmother, nothing about Minhyuk and the girl's murder case. Absolutely nothing, nothing good at least.

Only Yoongi waking up, hurray— she thought sarcastically.

The only thing they reported was Yoongi waking up and what happened to him and how his interrogation went. She didn't ask but still they told her.

After that span of two weeks, her stalker #2 finally decided to make a move. He texted her with a different number this time (as seen in the last chapter) and the police finally started taking action.

Kangchul, (Y/N)'s father said that the police created a very smart plan in that span of two weeks, and that they've been waiting for the stalker to text (Y/N), so that the police can have an address to track.

The police created a plan using her father's invention. One police would wear a mask that had (Y/N)'s face on it and would give himself to the stalker in exchange for (Y/N)'s stepmother. And when the time comes that the stepmother will be released, the police that acted as (Y/N) would handcuff and arrest the stalker. Easy as pie.

So this sunday night, the police planned on making everything finally right and at peace.

Kangchul joined the rescue mission. He forbid his daughter to leave the house. He borrowed (Y/N)'s phone, and gave it to the officer. The officer then texted the stalker saying that (Y/N) would willingly exchange herself for her stepmother.

"Are you sure this'll work?" Kangchul asked nervously to the officers. According to the police the place that they tracked was an old mansion. Kangchul was tasked to stay inside a vehicle so that when his wife was rescued he could calm her down.

"Of course it will sir" the police in his right said. They were currently in a white van behind Kangchul's real car. The van was filled with many police in case the rescue mission would have casualties. They're supposed to park outside the mansion, surrounding it completely.

The white van entered the gates, which was a big-ass mansion. "H-hey why are we going in? I don't think we're supposed to go in" Kangchul whisper yelled.

"Dammit! Stop the van, don't go in!" The officer screamed to the driver. "Who's driving?!" Kangchul asked angrily.

"Ch-chief! Why are you driving? Sir stop the van" The police beside Kangchul said.

"I'm sorry Mr. (L/N)" the chief of police said.

"STOP THE GODDAMN FUCKING VAN" Kangchul screamed, but still the van continued to head inside.

The van stopped at the main doors, it was fancy-looking doors and there were built men surrounding it.

A man approached the van and commanded the men to open it. The police beside Kangchul locked the door. "Hide somewhere, anywhere!" He said. Kangchul agreed to go at the back. The police readied their guns

The men broke the door with only their strength. The police used the guns to take the built men down, but they couldn't the guns had no ammunition. So the built men threw the police outside of the van. They carried Kangchul by his arms and dragged him towards the man with the mask.

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