[ 61 - good ]

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A\N: this is the happy version

[ October 22 ; Thursday ]

Yoo opened the door ever so gently to not disturb the patient inside. But as you opened the door, you heard incoherent words were coming out from the room. Your curiosity got the best of you and you saw Yoongi talking in his sleep. And you swear it was the cutest thing you've seen him do.

His face turned red, from his once pale face. It was now filled with red pigments.

"(Y-Y/N), I have to do it now" he whispered shyly. Your eyes widened a bit at the mention of your name. Was he dreaming about you?

So weird, but I like it.

"C-can we do i-it?" He said once more. Your being the absolute perv you are, thought of things you weren't even suppose to as a high school student.

"I-I" you said, you were speechless and blushing. What was he dreaming about? Insert lenny face.

"C-can I have you tonight Princess. Can you dance, and um me" he said blushing.You were lowkey disappointed and highkey happy that it wasn't 'that'. Maybe he's dreaming of a Prom night,

"Oh, what a smol innocent child!" You exclaimed, forgetting the fact that he changes his expressions from cute to hot in a millisecond.

"Wh-what do you mean no?" He then asked in a broken voice. Tears building below his closed eyes trailing down his face. "N-no (Y/N), come with me"

Should I wake him up? He might be having a nightmare.

"I'll protect you with my life, please! I love you too much! No d-don't leave me!" At this point he was bawling out his tears and his once peaceful face was covered with tears. He was having a hard time that's for sure.

You decided to finish his pain and wake him up from such terrible dream. You sat beside him and shook his arms "Yoongs! Wake up!" You said copying the last dialogue in J-hope's daydream.

He woke up, and saw you. His eyes widened as his eyes became glossy. He hugged you and tears cascaded from his pale face. You hushed him down as he continued to gape at you, as if checking if you were indeed right there beside him.

"(Y/N), never leave me" he whispered. Something about the word "never" made your stomach unsettled. Maybe because he could've used 'don't but he didn't. Or maybe you were just exaggerating.

You nodded sweetly, as you whispered comforting words to him.

"I'll never leave you, I'm always here. I'm here Yoongs" you said in hushed tone. He faced you and suddenly grabbed your face. Placing his two hands on your cheeks as if examining you.

You looked at him weirdly. "D-did I speak out loud when I was dreaming?" He asked shyly.

"Yes you were, and I heard everything" you teased back. His eyes visibly widened and his whole face reddened.

"E-everything?" He stuttered.

"Yes, and sure I'll be your prom date, and I'll make sure to dance with you all night" you said gleefully.

He smiled at your features, your chubby cheeks reddened slightly. Your eyes were gone and he looked at you fondly. He saw the mother to his children and the person he'd spend his whole life with. Your smile on your face and the way his heart picked up speed made sense. Everything now made sense, the endless chain of thoughts about the universe conspiring suddenly all made sense to him. He need not to know the exact answers, for you to be just in front of him smiling in that moment made everything perfect. You were perfect.

"I love you" he breathed out.

And his eyes widened at his sudden confession. It just naturally came out, he didn't mean to suddenly spill his secret.

"I m-mea—" he started, he wasn't able to finish. You grabbed his face and kissed him gently.

He kissed back, cherishing his last moments of heaven. He knew, that once you disconnected the kiss, he'd receive a slap in return.

Wait, but d-didn't you kiss f-first?

He panicked internally. You removed your lips and scooted away from him. You covered your face because,

(Y/N) where did you get that audacity, making the first move like that!

He tugged at your clothes and looked at you expectantly as if waiting for another kiss. "D-don't I get an 'I love you too' in return?" He asked and pouted.

"I love you too!" You said.

He hugged you happily. He always imagined this, you confessing to him. Him hugging and snuggling you under the comforter.

He sighed contentedly. Its a good thing he memorized the script beforehand.

[A/N: ly:answer fucked me up, there is a good one and bad one so just choose hehe, im vvv sorry for being inactive, i had a hard time doing the two endings hehe]

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