[ 26 ]

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[ September 21 ; Monday ]

After two long boring periods it was time for recess, you stood up excitingly only to sit back down because you remembered Minhyuk wouldn't be with you today.

You peeked at Jaebum's place, where he was supposed to be seated, now he wasn't.

What the hell? Even him?

You went to the other class to look for Youra, if even Youra was missing, you'll seriously flip out. Fortunately Youra was there waving at you as you waved back.

"Oh! (Y/N) hello to you too" she said.

You looked back to see Namjoon standing behind you with his hand in the air too. Oops embarrassing,

You three went to the canteen immediately and with a grumbling stomach you ordered your favorite snack. Yoongi sat beside you, you were about to question why he was sitting next to you but he was talking to Namjoon so you didn't even bother.

You continued eating, you were on sulking mode but no one didn't even notice.

Minhyuk and Jaebum wasn't with you, only this cringy couple in front of you. Holding hands with each other. Spoon feeding with each other, and all stuff couples do.

Them and their cheesy asses.

"Wanna do that too?" Yoongi whispered, while you laugh dryly.

"Funny, absolutely funny Yoongi" you replied sarcastically, he noticed you were not in the mood. He noticed since first period, of course he does, you're the only one he's looking at.

"Are you okay?" He asked monotonously, although it wasn't obvious he really was concerned, although he was the source of all this shenanigans.

"I'm fine" you said with a fake bright smile. You could fool others with the bright smile but Yoongi knows better, he knows when you're already uncomfortable, he knows when you aren't having fun anymore, oh yes he knows. Months of research proved theirselves to be useful.

"No you aren't" he said while placing his juice box in front of you, "here's a drink, to cheer you up a bit" he said with pink dusted cheeks that contrasted his pale skin tone.

"Is it that obvious?" You asked with a sigh, he shook his head signifying it wasn't.

"Well, how do you know?" You asked,

"I know the feeling, they ask you how you are, and you just have to say you're fine when you're not really fine, but you just can't get into it, because they would never understand." cue the sad piano music

"Oh" you replied amazingly, he's a man of wise words. No wonder he keeps his thoughts all to himself, one can not obtain the level of intricacy he has on his mind, nor his thoughts. But you wanted to know, you wanted to learn.

"Hey what do you think, let's ditch class and go somewhere else? T-to cheer you up a bit" he whispered while poking his food with the fork.

"D-ditch?" you stuttered,

This is the most dangerous thing I could do.

"Yeah, haven't you ditch class before? Ew boring" he teased. But his heart was literally thundering right now. All he needs is your approval and he'd bring you anywhere. Literally anywhere

But he knew where you were suppose to be, in his heart.

"Excuse me, I'm not boring." You glared at him "Sure no problem. Let's ditch" you continued confidently. "After the Math test later" you said again while grinning embarrassingly as he chuckled silently.

I can't miss that test, never. The test I reviewed for the whole night.

"I knew you were boring" he teased again with a giant smirk etched on his unbelievably mysterious and undeniably delicate lips.

(Y/N)! Get a hold of yourself.

[A/N: get ready for a long-ass chapter for the next chapter *cough* date *cough*, sorry for late update, and 15k???1?1?? Thanks guys💕]

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