[ 63 - bad ]

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"So you're my husband?" You said questioningly. And scratched your head.

"I hate you!" Yoongi replied, pointing at you with his index fingers while slowly crossing his arms.

"What?" You asked putting your hands above defensively.

"Your face tells me, you don't believe me when I say that we are indeed married" he pouts.

"No! I believe it, it's just that," you stopped and looked down.

"You're out of my league" you whispered, while he looked as red as a tomato.

"No! You're the one who's out of my league. And Don't you remember what I told you about yourself? Mrs. Min?" He asked. Placing his hand below his chin, judging you with those gorgeous eyes.

"Have you forgotten, I lost my memory, of course I don't know!" You said, waving your hands for more effectivity.

"I told you that you are the most, beautiful person, that Ihave ever seen. The most precious gem in this world full of treasures. You are my whole universe with the stars and galaxies mixed altogether in your eyes. You are perfect"

You blushed furiously, you didn't know why. If he was this cheesy to you today, how cheesy is he in a day-to-day basis. Why were you so flustered if he has been doing this cheesy stuff for the past, um, you didn't know.

"Shut up" you said. As he replied with a shit-eating grin. His smile reaching his eyes.

"So anyways, how long have we been married? And what do I call you?" You asked, you need the factual information.

"We are in our 3rd year of marriage, but I've known you since we were like what? 16?" He replied. "Oh and you always call me B" he said once more.

"B? What a weird name" you thought aloud.

"I know, all of a sudden you told me, you wanted to call me B, short for Baby. I found it weird but because it's from you, I still love it" he shrugged.

There was an awkward pause.

"Oh, so we knew each other that long huh?" You asked, more to yourself than to him. He replied with a "yup"

Your retelling of memories continued as he told more stories when you were already in a relationship. From the fluffy ones to the, ehem, ones.

You continued life happily with him, as if nothing really happened. You trusted him that the facts he told you was true. That you were his housewife and you still had no children but he was already saving up for it and that you were both happily married for three years going four.

He made you drink this pill, every goddamn hour. Okay that was an exaggeration. He made you drink a pill every day, before sleeping. It didn't have a taste nor effect on you but Yoongi said that the doctor told him to make you drink it everyday until your memory comes back. Those memories of happiness according to Yoongi.

There came then a strong storm that didn't allow Yoongi to go to work. He stayed at home and you already know what happens when a married couple stays at home. They do the deed. The pleasurable deed.

Because of this, you completely forgot of the pill you were supposed to drink, EVERY NIGHT

You shrugged it off the next day because, who needs old memories when you can have new, happy and kinkier memories with Yoongi, amirite?

And so you did, you didn't take the following day too and when Yoongi asks you if you took the pill you would nod nonchalantly.

You were about to sleep when your head had a migraine. You didn't knew if it was indeed a migraine but it hurts like hell. Yoongi went home late because of what happened the days before, where he stayed at home.

Only Me  [Yandere Yoongi x reader]Where stories live. Discover now