[ Epilogue ]

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Yoongi stared at your eyes that was slowly closing as you lied beside him. Sleepiness was visible in both yours and his eyes. You both were tired after trying to create a child. You went inside the comforter, shutting your eyes. He joined you under the warmth of the comforter, grabbing your hands and placing it between you both as you faced each other, lying sideways.

"If we miraculously make one, I'll call her—" he said as you cut him off.

"Artist! You can call me idol" you replied, hyping up.

He chuckled and pinched your cheeks while you grinned at him. The smile that he fell in love with.

"I want her to have your eyes, those drop-dead gorgeous (E/C) eyes" he complimented.

"I want him to have fingers like yours" you said, slightly exaggerating that you want a boy.

"I want Her cheeks to be as fluffy as yours" he replied back, totally hinting he wants a girl.

"I want HIM to have lips like yours, lips sculpted by gods" you replied, you knew he won't reply. Compliments like those after sex totally gets to him and makes him flustered. Though he only gets flustered after sex.

"I want HER to have your smile—" He said, you got shocked, despite him being red and bashful he replied with a comeback. So you cut him off saying,

"Your smile is better, made from—" you said, but you didn't knew how to continue it.

"Gummy bears?" He joked. Showing once more his gummy smile.

"Made from you pink gums, of course" you teased. He was an insecure person, and the only way for you to see it was, when he is absolutely drunk and after sex. "I want HIM to have your height too" you teased more.

"Hey, stop it! Why are you taking advantage of my weak state?!" He shouted, half-sleeping.

You nudged him on his chest "why are you screaming!? Neighbors might think that I'm doing something to you!" You stated hurriedly.

You both laughed, and as he connected your eyes. He saw himself on your eyes while you saw yourself in his. After a long round of laughter you were tired and so was he.

"I love you" he whispered as he slowly closed his eyes. You did too, thinking that he was about to sleep.

You closed your eyes slowly drifting off to dreamland. He opened his eyes and stared at you for another hour just holding your hand to his chest and thinking how lucky was he to be your soulmate. He wanted to sleep but he couldn't. The phrase "I could stare at you all day" was literally for him.

He gently closed his eyes and muttered, with the most softest tone,

"I love you"

Only Me  [Yandere Yoongi x reader]Where stories live. Discover now