[ 61 - bad ]

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A/N: saad version.

[ October 22 ; Thursday ]

You opened the door ever so gently to not disturb the patient inside. You were about to knock when you heard things thrown on the floor. With a scream "What do you fucking mean you lost the papers?!"

It was Yoongi's.

"To the police, they're safe. But they won't let me get it!" Someone replied.

"Those were my main fucking goal" Yoongi groaned.

You were nervous. You've never heard Yoongi that mad and anguished.

"Calm down hyung, I'll get that so—"

"Bring them money! Money is all they want! Bring them cellphones, jewelry anything!" Yoongi said. What on Earth is he talking about.

"Won't they suspect something. You already gave them cash before saying it was because "they did their best" and the firemen you gave them money too" the someone replied.


You were now shaking, police? Money? Firemen. At that moment you wanted to run, but you also wanted to know what he's talking about. Somehow you felt that it was about you.

You thought he was resting. You peeked at the little glass window in the door. In that room sat Yoongi in his hospital clothes, with a cast on his arm that he bended easily obviously it was fake. And Namjoon that had wide eyes as he saw you through that glass window.

"Hyung!" Namjoon said pointing at you.

At that moment you kneeled down. You crawled towards the nearby nurse's counter to hide.

"What is it?!" You heard Yoongi shout.

"I-I think I saw (Y/N)" Namjoon said searching the hallways.

Your breath was not steady. Tears slightly forming in your eyes from fear. You sat down and hugged your knees.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?!" Yoongi said aggravated. "M-maybe I hallucinated" Namjoon replied.

"Check the CCTVs she might be here! Baby if you're here, I love you!" Yoongi said.

"That's so cheesy hyung!" Namjoon said, cringing every way possible.

"You act this way to Youra too, so shut up" Yoongi backfired and Namjoon only chuckled.

"WAIT" Yoongi said.

"What?" Namjoon looked puzzled, they haven't even checked the CCTVs yet.

"I can smell her" Yoongi said simply. "Well That's weird, I know she's here but—" Yoongi stopped.

"But what hyung?"

"She breathes, 13-15 breaths per minute. Although my baby must be scared and when she is, she usually goes up to 40 but why is her breathing so silent" Yoongi said.

"Nerd" Namjoon commented.

"This is not the fucking time Namjoon. I'm serious. She breathes loud, even when she covers her mouth. But I can smell her scent, her perfume she bought in Busan with a mix of her laundry detergent"

"Hyung, does that mean—" Namjoon said.


Then you heard Yoongi and Namjoon ran towards the other side of the floor. Maybe going to the CCTV room.

You ran skillfully and silently towards the emergency stairs. You knew there was no CCTVs around that area. As you ran downstairs you were thinking about all those things he and Namjoon said. "Yoongi please say sike"

You panted heavily as you hailed a taxi. You told him to go to the police station and the weird man just smiled at you.

You were finally there "Mister, please wait for me, I'll be there just quick" You said, but he only smiled.

"(Y/N)! I'm glad you're here, I was just about to call you" the officer said. Another one appeared holding some papers "w-we saw this contract, and it is involved you, your parents and the South Korean Government"

"Wh-what? Sir I don't think I understand" you said.

"It reads 'I, (L/N) Kangchul, a South Korea Citizen, who abides by the law. Signs this petition to let my child, (L/N) (Y/N) to be wedded at the age of 16" 


"So you're going to be married huh?" The officer said smiling softly. "N-no" you whispered.

"Oh don't worry dear, you have no choice either way" the officer smirked.

"You're out of your mind" you whispered. You grabbed the papers, scanning it quickly. It indeed was the mark of the South Korean Government. And that was the sign of your father.

You crashed down on the chair feeling slightly dizzy.

"Maybe you just need water sweetie" another woman officer said. You shook your head slightly but she still forces the water to you.

"I AM NOT TAKING THOSE" You replied angrily making the water spill and the glass all broken. You looked at the women and she only smiled.

"What is wrong with you, hey" you looked at him weirdly and looked at the other officers, questioning them. They all smiled.

"Okay I think I know what the actual fuck is going on" Yoongi is with them, isn't he?

You ran outside, expecting them to run towards you. But they didn't, when you looked at them they all waved and smiled at you.

You entered the cab. You told your address and you also told the driver to make it a little bit faster. The driver looked at you, and now you saw him with a mask, that looked similar to a surgical mask. But you could feel the smile that he was trying to show to you behind the mask.


The driver locked the door and you panicked. He opened the air condition and placed it on level 4.

"Yes, master already did" the driver chanted repeatedly.

"IM OUT! LET ME OUTTA HERE" you screamed. You felt kinda dizzy as you tried to open the door, and your screams turned into whispers and mumbles.

And you fainted

[A/N: hehe]

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