[ 62 - bad ]

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You woke up in a cozy room. It emitted light from the window and had this modern kind of design to it. You were surprised to see a boy sitting down in a chair that was placed beside your bed. You tried to get up but you saw the boy that was sleeping holding your hand preventing you from getting up.

"H-hey" you stuttered out. You wanted to ask what you were doing in this house. As you thought about it, you couldn't remember anything. And the more you think the more pain shoots out from your head.

"Ouch" you said holding your head that was throbbing in pain. He woke up and grabbed your hand and looked at you intensely.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" He asked.

(Y/N)? Is that me? Well I guess that's me.

"My head hurts!" You wailed in pain. You couldn't see his face properly because you closed your eyes because of the pain. He stood up and leaved you only to come back with a bottle of medicine and a glass of water in his hand.

"Drink this babe" he said. And you choked on your medicine.

"You gotta be careful, baby. I can't have you choking again like last time" he said.

Choke on what?!

"I'm sorry but who are you again?" You asked. He grinned at you and that just left you confused.

Hoe, I just asked you a question.

"Nice try, keep going. I think I might get persuaded" he chuckled.

"What do you mean?" You mumbled. Is he insane? You didn't even know the guy!

"Cut the crap (Y/N), I know you just wanted to have fun but were going to be late if we have fun now. Maybe later in the evening instead okay sweetie?" He said.

"Late for what? What I don't think you understand what I'm trying to say, Mr. I do not know who I am or why the hell I'm supposed to be here or who the fuck are you and what the hell is going on. Are you perhaps my father?" You said in a rush.

"I just got father-zoned. I can't even," he said. "And I know you're just tripping, the vulgar language you speak never changes." He says with a slight smirk.

"Okay if you don't wanna believe me, I must go out and find out myself." You said standing up and making your way to the door. "H-hey you just got up" he complained.

The living room was amazing it had one L shaped couch and a big-ass TV. There was a small desk before the door that had pictures on it and a mini cabinet that was opened with keys hanged on it.

You neared the desk to see a picture. It was a picture of the man with you a while ago and a woman that seemed awfully familiar. They were smiling sweetly and the woman was wearing a gown while the man with you wore an expensive looking suit.

"H-hey (Y/N) you gotta eat breakfast first. I really think the cause of your headaches is because you don't eat breakfast with me" he pouted.

You were puzzled.

Breakfast? him? Are we in some family or something? Is he my brother?

"Okay, I really don't know what's going on I swear to God!" You cried out.

You went to the kitchen where his voice was coming from and saw the woman in the picture in front of you looking at you. From the reflection of your refrigerator.

"Wh-what?" You asked confusingly.

"Okay stop it baby, we need to talk about your headaches and redting days" he rambled on.

Your head hurts and you couldn't tell him because of the pain that was just consuming you in and out.

"So you need to be back by 6 every night" he said. "You really need rest, plus you will have more or less 8-10 hours of sleep which is good of course.

"I'm sorry my head really hurts and I don't understand what you're trying to say" you mumbled quietly and he looked at you worriedly.

"Okay I think we need to get to the hospital" he said finally and got his car keys and supported you going down the elevator and into the parking lot. He drove fast to the nearest hospital and asked for Dr. Kim right away.

"We need to have a quick scan on her" the doctor said but their words were mumbled and you wert trying to hard to understand them.

"Please do" The man replied while biting his fingernails.

You were brought in a room and in a machine who does, who knows what. You were in there for about 10 minutes and was let out and delivered to a private room.

The man with you back at the house looked at you with worry and took your hands gently.

"Whatever happens, I'll be here. With you, okay?" He said promisingly but it wasn't convincing as his voice broke down a couple of times.

The doctor entered. And with a sad look he broke the news to the both of you.

"Mr. Min, I'm afraid that what we feared the most, happened to your wife." Oh okay I'm this hoe's wife.

"I'm afraid, she lost her memory"

[A/N: *screaming imtensifies*]

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