Ayo ladies and gentleman ^^

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(for all the new readers)

Several readers have been confused about the whole middle school/Highschool thing and their ages, so, gonna explain things as best as I can for the people who might be confused when they read this for the first time so I don't have to explain to each individual. Please keep in mind, I am using US as example to compare to, so sorry to people who are living elsewhere. I am just using US grade system because I think more people who read this can relate to it(?) Though, I'm not positive. Also, I am just going by what the wiki says are the typical ages for the students in 9th and 10th grade in SK, so, Sorry if I get something wrong.

OK, so the first 19 parts take place in 9th grade. (the last year in SK middle school) If you are from the US, you will know middle school ends at 8th,so that right there can be confusing to US readers. At part 20, they go into 10th,which is the first year of high school/secondary school in SK (unlike in the US that is 9th)

Also, unlike the *typical middle school ages for US students from 6th to 8th (11-14), the typical middle school ages for SK students from 7th to 9th are (Korean ages) 14,15, 16. So, That's another thing that could be confusing because Tae's and JK's ages at the beginning are 16,17 and usually those are the ages that one would be in high school /secondary school in the US. Now, I realize 17 is too old to be in middle school in SK (actually anywhere, really) but that brings me to another thing: I had to change their ages mid way through the FF and cannot change it now, so that's the reason why Tae is too old. My original readers will know the exact reason for it, and I don't feel like dragging this on anymore by explaining.

Side note: I know places, like the Netherlands and China for example, kids go into secondary school at around 12 years old. So this probably will not relate to people who live in places that have similar education systems. But like I said, I am just going by where I think the majority of my readers are from.

Sorry for that long explanation, but a decent amount of people were confused so I felt it necessary to do so. If you are still confused, just ask and I will do my best to answer any questions.


Hi, thanks for taking a peek at my ff. I appreciate it! ^^

There are just a few things here that I feel the need to disclose beforehand, but it won't take long.


Light swearing, heated scenes, and some topics that may be triggering to some readers.

Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes

Yep. You guessed it, there is gonna be mistakes. Wrong use of honorifics (not even using them most of the time since my last ff...well it was hot mess when it came to honorifics edit: I think I used like one honorific and then I was like nope. ) punctuation errors, run on sentences, maybe something that contradicts another thing I wrote...just basically stuff I over look. I have a friend who looks stuff over and tries and helps, but she might miss something. So if you want a perfectly written ff, this is not the one to read. ^^' if you don't care, like me, about mistakes and no honorifics then awesome!

*cue Kim Kardashian voice*
Don't be f'ing rude!

You can leave nice comments, funny comments, weird comments, questions...whatever you want. hell you can comment about what you had for lunch today, I don't care. I'm a very open mind person, and I'm open to constructive criticism... but just please refrain yourself from leave any flat out rude/hurtful comments towards me if you don't like my writing style.

This ff is all in good fun, ok? Ok.

Publishing "schedule"

Don't really have a schedule, I just write when I want. I will try to publishing one every 3-4 days. But, I get busy! I take each day as it comes, so sorry if I go a bit without writing.

Hmmm what else...oh!

Any BTS member that might have a less than desirable trait in this ff is not me trying to disrespect anyone. I love all the members of BTS to pieces, it's just for this ff. Same with any other k-pop member that might pop in.

/end disclaimers.

Ok now that that's out of the way...go ahead and do what you came here to do...checking out the actual ff.

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