Part 15

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Jungkook just remembered when his dad said "everyone." He felt like an idiot for forgetting that major detail. He started to panic now.

Hojin (HJ): "I decided to tell you this morning that she had a son but you ran out of here too quickly."

JK: "Please tell me you're joking.."


Jina (JN) was pulling Taehyung up to the door, the whole time Tae tried pulling back but she wasn't letting go.

Tae: "A-are you positive this is the right house? This must be a mistake..!"

JN: "Yes, I'm on!" She grunted as she pulling him along.

They reached the doorway and she let out a sigh, fixed her hair when she let go of Tae's arm. It took a lot out of her to drag him all the way to the door.

Tae: "Um I think I'm going to be sick. Yoongi lives right across the street, I'm sure he would let me use their bathroom.." He started to turned around but Jina grabbed his arm and knocked on the door.

Tae cringed when she knocked on the door, his stomach was churning. Tae thinking: "Jungkook...being my possible step brother?"

Hojin opened the door~ "Ah, come in. Come in." He motioned for both of them to come inside.

Jungkook was in the kitchen trying to calm himself down. He whispering to himself~ "Relax. It's just one more person to meet...just stay cool."

He grabbed the tray of drinks that his dad instructed him to bring out. He tried convincing himself that it was ok once more before he walked out~ "Plus even if they get married, having a step brother wouldn't be all that bad...I've always wanted a brother."

Jungkook let out a sigh trying to relieve his stress. He got the courage and started heading out to the living room. He didn't immediately notice that the boy standing next to the woman was actually Taehyung because he was standing at the opposite side of her, blocked enough to where he could not tell who he was.

Jina looked over at Jungkook and waved~ "Ah hello! You must be Jungkook!"

Taehyung pinched his eyes shut, he didn't even want to look over. Jungkook tilted his head towards her and says trying to sound enthusiastic~ "Hello!" and started walking over.

Jina noticed Tae was purposely hiding himself. She grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to the other side of her, facing him towards Jungkook.

Jungkook's heart dropped when he seen that it was Taehyung. He stopped in place.

JN: "Introduce yourself." She pushed him forwards in Jungkook's direction.

Tae: "Um..I'm.."

Jungkook didn't know what to do, so he decided to cause a distraction. He let go of the tray all the drinks were on. The big crash of glass breaking made Jina and Hojin looked away from each other over to the floor.

HJ: "Jungkook!"

JK: "U-um. Oops hands slipped. Can you help me clean up the mess...?" He said while looking at Tae.

Taehyung knew Jungkook wanted him to say yes so the two could go into the kitchen, but he decided to have a bit of fun~ "I didn't drop them."

Jungkook gave Taehyung a less than amused face~ "It would really help if you did.." He motioned with his eyes towards the kitchen.

Taehyung tapped his chin, acting like he was thinking: "But my hands are delicate...I don't want to cut them."

Jina pushed Taehyung in the direction of the kitchen~ "Go help him. Now."

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