Part 23

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A couple hours pass

After the two left school and picking out suits, Jungkook and Taehyung went to the burger place Taehyung had mentioned. When they were done ordering, Tae says~ "I know of a quiet place we can eat that's not too far from here."

JK: "You don't want to just eat here?"

Tae: "No. Trust me, you'll like the place I have in mind."

The two walk a couple blocks to a park. Tae leads Jungkook down a side path through some thick bushes and trees. Jungkook says as he was knocking branches and leaves out of his way~ "I came to eat burgers. Not to get a tick."

Tae: "It's not much farther."

The two walked for a bit more until they reached a quiet section of the park that no one else was in. Tae lead Jungkook over to a spot that was cleared from all the shrubbery, next to a small stream.

JK: "Ooo. Look at the frogs!"

Tae: "I know. I love watching them."

JK: "How did you find this nice area? It seems pretty hidden from the rest of the park." Him and Taehyung sat in the grass.

Tae: "When I was little, my friend was having a birthday party at this park and I got mad because he got a toy that I really wanted. He kept rubbed it in my face so I ran off crying and eventually found my way here. Ever since then I come here a lot if one day I feel like being alone. Strangely nobody ever seems to be here."

JK: "Yeah I have a place that I go to as well...sometimes it's nice just to get away from everyone for awhile." Jungkook's mind started drift to his mom, but he quickly waves it from his mind and continues,~ "So, you cried huh?"

Tae: "Yeah...I was kind of a little bitch back then." He laughed. "Plus, my parents didn't really have a lot of money so, yeah I got jealous and upset because I knew I was never going to be able to get it."

JK: "That makes me sad." He frowned.

Tae said through a laugh~ "It's ok. Everything worked out."

The two sat there and talked a bit about their childhood, then Jungkook asks~ "So, can I ask why you were so mean to me?"

Tae was quiet for a moment before he reply~ "...let's just forget about the past and focus on the future."

JK: "My future wasn't going to involve you." He took a bite of his burger.

Tae looked over at Jungkook, JK continues~ "But now that our parents are getting married, that would be pretty impossible. Plus I was thinking last night that maybe it wouldn't hurt if we were friends."

Tae: "Friends...? Yeah," Tae was a bit hurt by Jungkook's words, since he wanted to be more than just friends. But inside he knew he was lucky that Jungkook was even giving him a chance, considering everything that had happened between them. Even if it wasn't exactly what he wanted.

The two continued eating their burgers in silence, watching the frogs jump around in the stream until Jungkook says~ "So, what happened to your dad? Where'd he go?"

Tae: "My dad left awhile ago. My mom never told me why, but I suspect he ran off with a woman he was cheating on her with."

JK: "Did you ever see him with another woman?"

Tae: "Yeah. Once. He told me never to tell my mother."

JK: "Did you?"

Tae: "No. I always had my dad's back. I know it wasn't right to not tell my mom...but I didn't want him to get mad at me. He was my best friend."

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