❗An IMPORTANT message❗

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I feel ashamed of myself for not writing this sooner, (this was posted way after the story was finished) but better late than never I suppose.

So 👏 first off.

I'm sure all of you (at least I hope) knows from right and wrong, and you all understand when I say this:


No one has any right to go up to someone (ESPECIALLY AN INNOCENT SOMEONE) and treat them badly for ANY reason, whatsoever. Let me say that again: there is no, I repeat, NO, good reason why anyone should ever bully someone. What you read are fanFICTIONS and most of the stuff in fanFICTIONS do not, and SHOULD NOT, apply to real life.

though I wrote a (sometimes goofy and immature) fanfiction that involves the topic of bullying, I am a huge advocate for anti-bullying. So please, don't take this fanfiction as me making light of the situation, because I am absolutely not. and I actually have a message I would like to spread, so please, take a moment and hear me out.

to any possible bullies and the possible victims:

People have it in their minds that being different is bad, and let me tell you something - THAT COULDN'T BE FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH.

To any bullies specifically: imagine living in a world where everyone is the same...it'd be boring now, wouldn't it? So if you want to make fun of someone who you think is 'different' or 'weird', just remember... you're making fun of someone who makes the world INTERESTING. Because without differences, everything would be the same OBVIOUSLY. And I don't know about you, but that's not a world I want to live in.

And if you are a person who defends your bullying by saying "oh well, peer pressure made me do it." no. just no. doesn't matter how pressured you are by other people, at the end of the day, you're the only one accountable for your actions, and you are the one who makes the decisions on what you do. this also applies to the people who use their unfortunate past as an excuse for bullying. Because, i'm gonna say it one more time; there is no excuse for it, don't matter how you look at it. making someone else's life miserable because you had/have a miserable life does not give you a free pass to be hurtful. so, please, learn to grow, move on and be a decent person.

To the victims specifically: First off. Find someone to talk to. Someone close, and who you can trust. I know this is cliche, but it's cliche to say for a reason; because it can really help.

But, if it for some reason doesn't, trust me sweetie, it's not the end of the world. Wanna know why? Because just like with everyone, you too, are accountable for your actions. You can sit there and cry, feel depressed, but what good is that doing? Trust me, I know. Words can hurt like a knife, but, I'm telling you. If you learn to love yourself and you learn to accept who you are and embrace it, it shouldn't matter what other people think of you. If you are a good person, and you know you are, that should be all that matters to you.

School is only temporary. And if you're being bullied by family members, or anyone else, you can get yourself out of that situation if you put your mind to it. It might not be quick, or easy, but at the end of the day, YOU can change things for the better with dedication and the love that you SHOULD have for yourself. Embrace who you are, because you are special in your own way, whether you believe so or not. And yes, you do have a purpose, just look a little harder. ♡

And, to everyone out there, not just the bullies, and the victims; just because we have different lives, different fates, different styles, different ways, we all share one similar thing - we all only have one life (unless you're a cat who has nine :'] ).

So why don't we, instead of NOT ONLY trying to make our own lives better, we do our best to try to make other's lives better as well. We all know we are going to experience struggles, big and small. And if you have already, you should know exactly what it feels like, and that it isn't easy. So that alone should give us, as human beings who have to go through a SHIT ton in our lives, the utmost respect for each other. Because though our struggles may be different, a struggle is a struggle. And we all have to go through them - and it sure makes things a hell of a lot easier when people have your back.


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