Part 14

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Taehyung pulled away from Jungkook~ "What am I doing? I'm supposed to hate you."

JK: "You don't have to hate me, you know."

Tae: "Just the other day we hated each other...and now today we're kissing. How is even that possible?"

JK: "Feelings change.."

Tae: "Feelings don't just change over least I thought they didn't anyways." He mumble the last part.

Jungkook crossed his arms and looked down at the ground. He didn't know what to say.

Tae: "I have never had these feelings for someone before. I've never wanted know...with anyone. And I sure as hell didn't think I would have these feelings for you out of all people."

JK: " like me?"

Tae: "I don't know. I mean...I think you're cute ok?" He grabbed him by the collar "But you better not tell anyone I said that. Anything between us is strictly our business only."

Jungkook nodded slowly and looked down at his hand that was grabbing his shirt. Taehyung let go and put his hand in his pocket.

JK: "...what do we do now?"

Taehyung put his hand on his head~ "Well for one thing...I'm going to have to wait until this passes." He looked back down at himself and let out a groan. "Why'd you have to turn me on?"

JK: "I didn't mean to. I just was going along with what you were doing.."

Tae: "Maybe we should just go back to hating each other. This is just too weird.."

Jungkook looked at him, his words made him feel a bit sad~ "What..? No please. I like kissing you.."

Tae: "I like kissing you too...but it's wrong."

JK: "How is it wrong?"

Tae: "For one we are both guys, and two...we just don't go together well. We have nothing in common."

JK: "Well...we both like kissing each other. Isn't that a start? Plus...I like you even though you're a boy." He said while looking towards the floor.

Tae: "Stand there and tell me to my face you like me. You can't possibly."

Jungkook dropped both of his arms to his sides and looked up at Taehyung straight in the face and says~ "I do like you. A lot. Don't ask me why...but I just do."

Tae: "See? Once again, if you hadn't have given me that look in the locker room, then I would have never kissed you. And you wouldn't have started liking me."

JK: "But I liked you before you kissed me in the locker room."

Tae: "What? How? I thought you hated me."

JK: "I did. But I liked you at the same time.."

Tae: "Is that why you were always blushing whenever I came up to you..? And why you stop me from opening that bottle when you two tried pranking me?"

Jungkook nodded his head 'yes.'

Tae started feeling like an ass, but he was still in denial for liking Jungkook. He started slipping back into his bullying habits in fear of seeming weak.

Tae: "'re an idiot then."

Jungkook rubbed his arm and looked towards the ground. Jungkook thinking: "Jimin was didn't take long for him to start being rude again."

Tae: "I mean can anyone like someone who is mean to them?"

JK: " can anyone like the person they are mean to?"

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