Part 39

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"You always answer.." Jungkook whispers to himself as he repeatedly calls Jimin's phone. response..

After several attempts, Jungkook finally gives up and shoving his phone into his pocket. He sits down on the ground and pulls his knees up to his chest; a sick feeling now forming in the pit of his stomach, wondering why Jimin wasn't answering.

Ever since the two had gotten their first phones, there had only been a handful of times where Jimin didn't answer a call from Jungkook. And even if Jimin didn't answer the first time, he'd always make sure to call him back immediately after.

But this time he didn't; worrying Jungkook beyond believe.

7 minutes pass

Not knowing what to do, Jungkook sits there in the middle of the living room, face buried into his arms. Between the video, Tae's outburst, and now Jimin not answered his calls; he felt hopeless. And like many times before, he couldn't hold back his tears no matter how hard he tried.

"I wish you were here,'d know what to do."
Jimin pulls away from the kiss as Yoongi started to lift his shirt up, says, "Wait.."

YG: "I have been waiting. It isn't that hard to unbutton a shirt, Jimin." He looks down at Jimin's fingers that were fiddling with the buttons. He lifts his hands up and starts unbuttoning it, says, "See? You do it like this."

Jimin stopped him from unbuttoning his shirt, says, "No...that's not what I'm talking about.."

Yoongi lowers his hands and looks at him, says, "Then what is it?"

JM: "I don't think I should have ignored Kookie like that...what if something is wrong?"

YG: "He probably just accidentally buttdialed while the two were dry humping each other."

JM: "Maybe I should call him will only take a few minutes."

YG: "I don't think I can wait that long. You got me all turned on when you threw yourself at me like that."

Jimin rubs the back of his neck, says, "Yeah...I guess I just got a little excited. No one has ever told me that they were interested in me before."

YG: "Yeah, I figured...considering you, you know, almost knock me off the bed."

Jimin's face turned pink from embarrassment. He says, "Sorry.." He lifted himself off of Yoongi and sat down on the edge of the bed.

Yoongi sighs and sits up, scoots over next to Jimin, says, "So we're not going to...or?"

JM: "I don't be fair, we really don't know that much about each other."

YG: "That's true...but damn...that ass though."

Jimin smacked Yoongi upside the head, says, "Quit being such a pervert..!"

Yoongi rubbed the back of his head where Jimin smacked him, says, "Hey...just a second ago you were the one who was rubbing all up on my-"

Jimin put his hand up, stopping him from going any further. He reaches over and grabs onto his phone that was on the table and turned it on.

Yoongi shrugs his shoulders and decides to get on his phone while he waited for Jimin to be done.


YG: "Oh no."

As Jimin was putting in the code to unlock his phone, he says, "What?"

Yoongi immediately stands up, says, "Shit!! This is bad!"

Jimin looked up from his phone, concerned. He says, "What is it?? What's wrong??"

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