Part 6

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A/N: sorry to the couple people who have been sticking with this. Had a busy last couple weeks. I will try to write more often...just know i have not abandoned this.

Oh and happy Valentines day if anyone reads this part today. Hope you aren't/didn't spending it alone like me ^^'
School | Class

Every night since last week, Jungkook has been having dreams about Taehyung. It was all he could think about. Even in class where he should be focusing on school work, he couldn't focus on nothing but the dreams.

He had never felt this way about anyone before...let alone having dreams about anyone like that. And to make things worse, he was afraid of sleeping because he didn't want Jimin to hear him like last time.

Jungkook thinking to himself: "Hurry up and get home dad.." He loved staying at Jimin's house, but he didn't want the chance of accidentally saying anything worse in his sleep. He was already embarrass enough about what happened last time, but he would be mortified if anything worse was said.

On the other hand, Jimin also wasn't getting much sleep. Jungkook was oblivious to the fact that Jimin had been hearing him making noises each night. Jungkook assumed he wasn't since Jimin wasn't saying anything to him about it.

Jimin didn't want to embarrass Jungkook so he just kept his mouth shut. He still didn't understand why Jungkook liked Taehyung, but there was obvious a reason and he wasn't about to judge his best friend. Even if the reason wasn't a logical one.

Jimin looked over at Jungkook who was staring down at a book, but he could tell he wasn't reading. Through out the week, Jungkook had seemed down. It all started after Tzuyu started eating at Taehyung's table with his friends. He assume it was because Jungkook was feeling jealous.

The entire class looked over when they heard the door open to the classroom. There was a couple of students walking in with some balloons, teddy bears and flowers.

The school had a stand set up where people could buy their Valentine's gifts. If they bought something for someone, some students would come in and deliver whatever it is someone bought for them during class.

The deliverers handed out gifts. Jungkook watched as Tzuyu was handed a big box of chocolates, some balloons, a teddy bear and flowers. Someone bought her pretty much whatever you could buy from the stand.

Student Deliverer: "We have a special message for you." She said to Tzuyu.

A couple seconds later, a couple students came in holding a big banner. The banner read: "Tzuyu, will you go to the dance with me? -Kim Taehyung." Tzuyu looked very surprised.

After seeing the banner, Jungkook felt a pain in his heart. He knew there was never a chance him and Taehyung would go to the dance together, but something about seeing him asking someone else really hurt him.

When things settled down and class resumed, Jungkook sat there staring out the window. Not even trying to look like he was doing work.

Teacher: "Jungkook."

Jungkook didn't even acknowledge the teacher. His mind was in a completely different place.

The students watched as the teacher made his way over to Jungkook's desk. He grabbed a heavy book that was sitting on Jungkook's desk and lifted it up high and dropped it, causing a loud noise.

Jungkook jumped from being startled and looked up at the teacher.

Teacher: "Are you bored with my class?"

Jungkook was so caught of guard, he was silent trying to process the situation. The teacher crossed his arms, he didn't look happy~

Teacher: "I'm going to ask again. Are you bored with my class, Jungkook?"

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