Part 5

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HS: "Nice bruise you got there.."

Tae: "Oh gee, thanks.."

NJ: "He got you pretty know, for him being a wimp and all."

Tae: "That was nothing. I can do a lot worse to him than he could ever do to me. Physically and emotionally."

YG: "Why didn't you?"

Tae: "I'm waiting for the perfect time."

HS: "Or are you just going soft for him?"

Tae: "What? No way."

HS: "Then when is the perfect time?"

Tae: "You'll see." He looked back over at Jungkook.
After Class

JK: "Gym was rough today.."

JM: "Yeah, tell me about it." He wipe the sweat from his forehead.

JK: "I can't wait to get back and take a shower."

JM: "I'm first."

JK: "But I'm the guest!"

JM: "Sorry buddy." He patted his back.

JK: "That's not about we play rock, paper, scissor to decide?"

JM: "You know I always lose at that!"

JK: "It's all in your head. Come's 50/50."

Jimin sighed and put his hand out. They made fists and shook them up and down three times~

JM: "Rock." / JK: "Paper."

Jungkook did a little happy dance.

JM: "Aw man...I knew I was going to lose.." He groaned.

JK: "I'm sorry. But, I won fair and square."

JM: "Yeah, yeah.."

The two chuckled and walked to Jimin's house. Nobody else was home. Jimin walked over to the table after seeing there was a note set on top of it~

Note: "Hi sweeties. I'm going to be gone for awhile and probably won't be back until very early morning. There is dinner in the fridge, so just warm it up. Also, make sure and get to bed early! Just because I am not there, doesn't mean you can do whatever you want! -Mom."

JM: "Yes! Home alone!"

JK: "Your mom is cool. My dad would never let me stay alone."

JM: "It's not like we are little kids anymore."

JK: "Yeah, I know. But, you know my dad. He just wants me to be safe."

JM: "Yeah, I understand that."

JK: "Anyways, I'm going to go take my shower...'cause remember? I'm first." He gave him a cheeky smile.

JM: "You better watch out, or I'm going to flush the toilet while you are in there!"

JK: "No anything but that!"

JM: "Yeah that's what I thought." He smirked.

The two laugh and went upstairs. Jungkook went down the hall to the bathroom, and Jimin went into his room to wait until Jungkook was done.

Jimin toss his bag to the side and sat down on the bed. His eyes drifted over to the bag that was laying next to the mattress on the floor where Jungkook slept.

He remembered seeing Jungkook shove the book into the bag, his curiosity was sparked again. He sat at the bed twiddling his fingers. Jimin thinking to himself: "I can't do that to Jungkookie..."

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