Part 10

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As Jungkook and Jimin were walking to lunch, Jungkook looked around very on edge. Jimin notices and says~

JM: "You should have just went to class when I did. But instead, you chose to try and get Taehyung to mess with you."

Jungkook looked over at him. Thinking: "How does he know..?"

JK: "I did not. I just..." He tried to think of something quick. "...fell."

JM: "You missed almost 20 minutes of class. You're telling me it took you 20 minutes to get up after you "fell"."

Jungkook seen Taehyung coming out of his classroom with his friends which made him gasped. He grabbed Jimin's hand and quickly pulled him to the side of the vending machine.

JM: "Covered in dirt, hiding from Taehyung...yeah you didn't fall."
Tae: "Jungkook is going to regret punching me."

NJ: "What are you going to do??"

Tae: "I have an idea, but I am not sure yet. But I know one thing...when he least expects it, that's when he's going to get it."

YG: "I can't believe he had the guts to do it. Sounds to me like Jungkook isn't going to sit back and let you do what you want to him anymore."

Tae: "That's where you're wrong. Jungkook is the same wimp as he's always been...he thinks he is tough now but once he sees my wrath, he will realize he stands no chance against me."

Jin: "But what are you going to do? Beat him up really bad?"

Tae: "No. That's too obvious...I'm going to embarrass him so bad he won't ever want to mess with me again."
When the coast is clear, Jungkook and Jimin walked away from the vending machine.

JK: "Maybe we shouldn't go to the cafeteria today.."

JM: "What the heck Jungkook. You must have really piss him off if you are actually hiding from him...what did you do??"

JK: "...I punched him in the stomach."

Jimin's eyes widened and he part his mouth ~ "Jungkook!!"

Jungkook looked down, ashamed ~ "I know...but I had no other choice."

JM: "Yeah, there is absolutely no way we can go in there. Shoot...what am I going to do with you kookie?"

JK: "Continue to love me and never stop being my friend because of stupid things I do?" He frowned.

Jimin chuckled and put his arm around Jungkook's shoulder ~ "We have been friends for this long. Looks like I'm stuck with what now? Where do we go? If a teacher catches us not in the lunch room we will be in trouble."

JK: "Hmm...the restroom I guess."

JM: "Great. Instead of getting to eat lunch, I get to spend an hour in a room where know."

JK: "It's better than me getting beat up...right?"

Jimin stood there pretending to think.

JK: "Right Jiminie??"

JM: "I guess." He chuckled.
When Taehyung and his friends got situate in the lunch room, they start talking~

Tae: "I'm going to need your guy's help."

HS: "With what?"

Tae: "I need you guys to find the most embarrassing photos of Jungkook that you can find online. When you find them, send them to me."

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